Clubs or ECs that you, your child, or other students you know like at Bama

<p>I recently learned about a Gaming Club at Bama named: ABXY </p>

<p>It sounds like it’s a club that involves a combo of console games, board games and card games with meetings and get-togethers (please add/correct).</p>

<p>What other clubs (please include names) do you know about that are faves?</p>

<p>Are there fencing or swing dancing clubs? Ballroom dancing is an ok alternative, but swing and line dances are more fun. ;)</p>

<p>Dr. Jon Corson and his wife have some kind of Swing Dance offering. I don’t think it’s an official club, but they love Swing and they offer something in that regard.<br>
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Personally, I prefer Swing rather than Ballroom, because concentrating on one dance style enables proficiency. When I’ve taken Ballroom, I tend to forget the previously taught steps too quickly.</p>

<p>There may be other Swing offerings. Hopefully others here might know.</p>

<p>As for Fencing, I think that’s offered thru the Rec Center.</p>

<p>Yes to dancing. There is a great club called the Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers. </p>

<p>They teach multiple swing styles - West Coast, East Coast, Single Swing, Hustle and ballroom music including Cha Cha, Rumba, Foxtrot, Waltz, Samba, Tango, Bolero, Merengue, Salsa, Foxy, and 2-step. CTBD also features several line dances like the Peabody, Cupid Shuffle and Electric Slide, Wobble, Barn Dance & Gangnam Style.</p>

<p>The couple that runs the club with student board members. They host free dance lessons every week or two. They also have several dances per semester. The cost is $5 for students. Here’s a link: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My D used to go when her schedule permitted. She loved it. </p>

Wow…click on that link! It’s a huge group!</p>

<p>"I recently learned about a Gaming Club at Bama named: ABXY</p>

<p>It sounds like it’s a club that involves a combo of console games, board games and card games with meetings and get-togethers (please add/correct)."</p>

<p>Yes that is an accurate description of the club. Most of the club information and meeting times/places is sent out through their Facebook groups. To find the main club group, just search ABXY. Their meeting places have changed through out the semester because of the Ferg renovation. They’ve been using the Riverside Community center when possible.</p>

<p>From another thread:</p>

<p>If he is in the Honors College, they have weekly “coffee” talks at RCS on Tuesday nights. My son came from a small OOS high school. He did not know anyone. He adjusted fine. Personally, I think he should go out more, but he is comfortable, keeps busy and has made friends.</p>

<p>The other gaming club is called: 3-D Gaming</p>

<p>Honors College Assembly!!! A lot of our events are open to non-Honors students too… I will gladly field any HCA-related questions!</p>

<p>(…but for real though, HCA offers it all.)</p>


<p>Can you list some of the Honors College Assembly’s events?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the link to CTBD. That is exactly the type of club he is looking for!</p>

<p>“The other gaming club is called: 3-D Gaming”</p>

<p>On facebook, they have a use the acronym “3DBG” (for 3D Board Games) to identify the facebook group, and make announcements via the group facebook page.</p>

<p>Mom2aPhysicsGeek: The CTBD would love to have your son in their group. They always need boys that can dance or who are willing to learn. If you go on their facebook page you will see all the photos of all the dances. It was the only way I saw any photos of my D!</p>

<p>As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, there is a group called “CDA”, which stands for College of Engineering Does Amateur Radical Theatre. (Their on-campus advisor/sponsor is Dr. Kevin Whitaker.) These are students (not necessarily eng’g majors) who may or may not have prior acting experience, but are willing to come have fun learning and performing live theater with a group of like-minded students, outside of the theater-major. They always need back-stage techie people too, if you don’t want to act (for lighting, sound, costumes, sets, etc.).</p>

<p>CDA usually does 2 productions each year - 1 per semester, and they lean towards comedy and improvisation. Their Fall 2013 production was “Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind”, which was a mix of stock TMLMTBGB skits + new material written by the group members, and relevant to UA and current events on campus. The Spring 2014 production is “Rumors” by Neil Simon, and will be performed in the Ferg auditorium (not sure what that is called), in April.</p>

<p>CDA attends Get On Board Day to provide info to new students, but they are always welcoming new members throughout the year. The fee to join is $10/semester or $15 for the year. They won’t make you pay until you’ve come and seen what they’re all about, tho, so just come have fun for a couple of weeks and see if CDA is for you. My S is the current leader of this group; PM me if you want more info or want to get hold of him.</p>

My older son did CDA (and you do NOT have to be in eng’g to participate!). He loved it. It was surprising to see my otherwise shy son actually singing solos at productions. </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids sure!</p>

<p>Some HCA events include:</p>

<li><p>Tailgates - if you’re a member of the Honors College, you are welcome to come and tailgate with us (for free) in front of Nott Hall before football games. We usually grill out or provide Full Moon, etc.</p>

<li>The Zone Viewing Party - once a year we host a massive away-game viewing party in the North Zone of Bryant-Denny. This usually costs $5 or so.</li>
<li>Diverse Desserts - these events are themed and celebrate different aspects of diversity on campus, from ethnicity to gender to musical tastes and everything in-between. Desserts are provided, and usually a speaker will come and get some diverse dialogue started.</li>
<li>HCA Talks - these are more intimate one-on-one academic discussions wherein students can come and share coffee and cookies with the professor(s) in attendance that week. The professors often give small presentations to stimulate conversation about something of academic interest that students and professors don’t normally get to talk about within the classroom. (Next one is tomorrow night at 7 in RCS classroom)</li>
<li>Xpress Nite - sometimes HCA will host a sort of open-mic night in Starbucks called Xpress Nite. People do everything from poetry readings to singing/playing the guitar.</li>
<li>Research workshops - our research branch puts together workshops that aim to connect students who want to do research (but may not be in a program like CBH or Emerging Scholars) with professors who need lab assistants. These are usually themed by discipline.</li>
<li>Civic Engagement - we have lots of service projects every semester, and the next one is “An Afternoon of Service,” from 11:30 to 7:00 this Saturday in Marion, AL.</li>
<li>Resume Reviews - we offer resume critiques through the Career Center every Thursday right next to our HCA office on the 2nd floor of Nott.</li>
<li>First Friends - this program pairs domestic students with international students and offers events/venues for them to hang out and get to know each other.</li>

<p>Oh, and if any of you/your students are emerging leaders on campus, please please please apply to be on our executive team! We welcome all backgrounds and levels of HCA involvement!</p>

<p>What’s not to love about UA and the HCA!?!</p>

