<p>Thanks again for all the good information. I do agree that it is hard for parents to understand what your world is like now. Try as we might we simply cannot. I want to understand as much as I can, hence all of the questions. I have read as much as I can and continue to learn new things everyday. I am very thankful for the people on each forum that are there to help. To the cadets on this site, thank you for your insight as you are there and living it everyday. To the parents, thank you for helping us thru this maze of the unknown. We will get it and then we will help others along. I do appreciate your patience. I know my son will find his place there. He has wanted the military life since he was little.
again thanks for all of the help</p>
<p>Wow, hornetguy. You must know my son well. He is in all those dance clubs too.</p>
<p>Probably do lol.</p>
<p>Well after a year off Potter has returned to Tae Kwon Do. She said it was a pretty tough group and they Kick much harder then she expected. A new girl launched her across the room. In a few weeks she may have her stretch back and actually be able to kick above her head again.</p>
<p>For those of you who don't know any martial arts yet don't be afraid they'll teach you. It isn't just a bunch of blackbelts sitting around having a kicking contest, and if you see potter just be gentle with her head she always seems to get it hit.</p>
<p>Because I was the highest rank the one day I went, they put me at the head and made me lead class. Not the smartest thing IMO since I wasn't up on their way of running class. Funny though.</p>