College admission questions?

<p>Pretty soon. I like many others will be applying to college. I truly want to go to Purdue for Aerospace Engineering but have a few questions.</p>

<p>My GPA sucks because I screwed up sophomore year. I got a 3.5 freshman year, 2.9 Sophomore, and 3.25 Junior (had the most rigorous classes in my HS career). My cumulative GPA currently stands at a 3.11 which is terrible.</p>

<p>Senior year I'm taking 2 APs, with the rest of my classes being honors/accelerated.</p>

<p>If I get a 4.0 GPA for the first marking period (quarter) of senior year, when should I send out my applications? Will colleges see that 4.0 on my transcript if I send them out after the quarter, or will they only focus on the 3.11 throughout junior year?</p>

<p>They’ll see your first official marking period grades, whether or not those are available when you apply (presumably not ED/EA). So if your school is on a quarter system then the answer is “yes”; if however your school is on a semester system and the first quarter marking period is internal then (at least for the schools with which I’m familar) then no.</p>