College admissions. Help por favor!

<p>Okay (my sixth question!! omg!)</p>

<p>I am just trying to figure something out.</p>

<p>It seems like LOTS and LOTS of students who get into top schools did AMAZING things... like competed in national science fair or something.
But the thing is I am not really into science or math. </p>

<p>So this is what I am involved in...</p>

<p>1) Art Club (created this club and i am the president!)
2) Newspaper (since grade 10)
3) Key Club (Secretary and also since grade 10)</p>

<h2>4) Student Council (councillor also since grade 10)</h2>

<p>5) Volunteer at this center with mentally and physically challenged ppl (since grade 10)
6) Provincial Honour Band (since grade 9 and I was the section leader for the clarinet)</p>

<p>So... are these activities enough? I know... I didn't cure cancer or get an award from the President of the US or anything. </p>

<p>And I think I have pretty good marks... Since we don't do GPA here in Canada, all I know is that I have gpa of 3.9ish. Oh we also don't rank.</p>

<p>And SAT? Hmm..... I need to study for that. I didn't take any yet... But I am pretty sure I'll get over 2000 (omg. i am so dumb... but hopefully over 2000!)</p>

<p>Recs will be great... and I am thinking my essays will be interesting too...</p>

<p>BUT. I don't have any awards... I only have some from school (honour rolls) and music awards and stuff... Will that cause a great problem? Sigh...</p>

<p>Final question: Is it possible for me to get into a great school (NYU Stern, Stanford, Dmouth, Gtown, etc) with everything i do? </p>

<p>Gracias, chicos!</p>

<p>Look, I listed a grand total of 4 ECs on my MIT application. I got in. You'll be ok.</p>

<p>but you probably had 2400... : (</p>

<p>No. I had a 2360, super scored at that. But if you have a 3.9, I see no reason why some studying couldn't get you in that range as well.</p>

<p>sigh... 2360 is amazing.
well congrats!
and i will work super hard this summer! :D
thanks for your help!!!</p>

<p>Not having awards beyond the local/high school level shouldn't pose a major problem. Personally, I only had awards from my high school/city and I'm headed to Penn in the fall. You've been involved in your various ECs for a number of years, which is good (especially the honor band, in my opinion) </p>

<p>If you can, I'd get a start on the essays during the summer. The more chances you have to revise and get comments, the better.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Your EC's really don't have to be THAT amazing.. the people on CC are way above average. There really aren't that many applicants who've won major research competitions / recieved national awards. There's only like 4000 to about 10,000 people in the US who've recieved such incredible awards / accomplished some major project.</p>