college applications

<p>hey i need advice on where i should apply to college. im third a class of 350. i took the SAT three times, already but my scores are horrible. My best score is CR: 590 M:630 W:710. the SAt doesnt cover the subject i do best. ill take some subject tests in may which ill probably do better. I've looked at a bunch of schools and am interested in a biochemistry/premed/med technology major. I love brown, cornell, nyu, wake forest, elon, holy cross, bc, and bucknell the best. I do not know if these schools are too above me though due to scores. where should i apply? do i even bother sending my humiliating SATs to ivies or should i not. any advice/reccomendations are appreciated</p>

<p>The</a> National Center for Fair & Open Testing | FairTest.....</p>

<p>Check out the list of SAT optional schools.....</p>

<p>take the ACT, I did not perfom well on the SAT but my ACT score put me right in range for those school. take it, it might help you.</p>

<p>and scores aren't everything, they're just ONE factor</p>

<p>make a dog eat your memory portion of your brain.</p>

<p>ya check out the ACT! My scores are were just a little bit higher than yours on the SAT, and I took the ACT and did better. It just seems to vary from person to person.</p>