College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Another College Board failure. Sigh.


Well nobody seems to be getting an email - it will eventually come! Have a great night :slight_smile: Saludos!


Have you seen anything? Still waiting


Loonylovegood007 - I doubt it. I think pretty much everyone would know if they qualified? If they got the invite and had all the requirements needed, etc.? I don’t think you will get an email if for some reason you don’t qualify. But, honestly, what do I know?!

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Maybe they meant the other Pacific Time… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Perhaps they confused Pacific Time with Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone . . .that’s sort of Pacific Time.

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My only fear is that we didn’t send in a full-year transcript bc materials were due before grades were released. So we sent 1/2 year grades. So in the back of my mind I wonder if that was wrong. Meanwhile my son’s PSAT score was well over the cut off, as was his GPA.

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Any updates or acknowledgements from College Board?

Nothing here. I have an email from them a few days ago saying “notifications with an update on your child’s status will be sent on August 31.” That makes me think you hear either way. And my kid just checked at 6 PST

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Did they send that in their own or in response to an email from you? We have not had any correspondence Since she completed her application.

In response to an email from me. I asked a bunch of questions including if it was automatic if you filled out the form timely and met the minimum qualifications. None of my questions were answered. That is the totality of the response except reminding me to check spam and all that.

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At least we all know we are waiting and although it is super annoying we know we are not alone.


Is your son in Barrett?

Yes he is in Barrett.

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It says on the site that only the 1st semester was required. No counselor forms anymore either.

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I think everyone has gone home for the night at the college board. They require 100% precisely completed forms by our students, but they get a mulligan. Shocker.

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Website now says tech issues that are delaying delivery of some emails. Could be delayed up to 72hrs.


by some, they probably mean all :wink:


Well, 3 more days of waiting.

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