College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

I’m still waiting too UGH

Still waiting…

I wonder if it is alphabetical. We are a W family. Husband is non hispanic - could be waiting along with the Zamoras, zapateros etc… jaja Patience and more patience.

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Jaja yeah, my last name obviously starts with an L so I thought it might be region-based? i’m in North Carolina

Just received our email in AZ

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Nunez here. In NJ nothing yet for Hispanic Recognition Program

We just got it!!!


We also got it in Arizona!

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We are in Texas and my son just got his notification an hour ago.


Ok, he forwarded the email - he got the Rural/Small Town! Congrats to all - so exciting.


I recieved the Rural/Small Town last night… still waiting on Hispanic Recognition Program


got my acceptance email in texas 20 mins ago


My daughter just got hers!


Good info on the engineering schools - although not 100% sure that is the route yet - and also, will have to look at the particular field within each of the schools too, but still good to know. Do students have to apply to Barrett for the scholarship at ASU? I am looking at the ASU website and the scholarship page makes no mention of NRP/CBNRP - it specifically mentions National Merit Finalists, although there is a link that takes you to the college board page. However, I did a search on the university website and found a good description/paragraph about the scholarships, in relation to Barrett Honor’s College.

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Arizona State University’ scholarship for NRP is money towards school expenses. Barrett is a separate application but being a NRP gives you a leg in.

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We used the scholarship calculator on ASU website and it said full tuition (out of state) scholarship is what we should expect and we have no financial need. It said our cost would be $17,000 a year for room/board.

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Yeah that sounds right, if you are in state you then have money for room and board which if you get into Barrett could be used for Barrett dorm.

My son got his at 11:30am. We’re in Indiana. Hispanic recognition.

I think the rural program has good intentions but I have seen the list of schools for Indiana and there are a few that shouldn’t be on the list, most glaring of all is an elite military academy. I assume colleges would take that into account when determining scholarship distribution. And I doubt one of those kids in that military academy would list the Rural Recognition honor on their college apps. I doubt their counselor would allow it.

My brother just got his email in California.

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Click the tab on this page for college board national recognition.