College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Yep, too bad it wasn’t open to more recipients. Bummer!

Yes, I am certain she did. She was invited to submit the application so they originally caught her demographic information as well.

on this - I’d encourage you to look at ALL the Costs involved with all the programs you’re interested in for 5 years - and compare that to Nebraska’s scholarship for 4 years (plus grad school tuition for 2 years). you might come out ahead . …

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My son also got the email! Thanks to all on the thread that are keeping us updated. I’m glad I went back and looked at Nebraska, last year they weren’t offering tuition scholarship for the other national recognition categories, and an AO I emailed a few months ago said they were not going to and now it’s there! It puts another school on the list.

Re: discussion above about Alabama and other schools in the South, I had some misgivings about even visiting Alabama but was pleasantly surprised, and my son liked it better than I did, which is what matters. I completely respect that other kids and parents won’t feel it is the right fit, but no one can argue that they offer a fantastic package to the National Recognition kids.


Has anyone received the official certificate from ? The email sent from CB did not say when to expect it, only that it would come from that email address.

Yes, my D22 received a letter from Duquesne offering her the National Hispanic Scholar Scholarship. Full Tuition. But it was competitive and there was only one. I recall posting its existence, but I do not recall if I updated my list of scholarships way up above somewhere.

@MLP1 regarding the certificate:
If I recall correctly, when my D22 received the award last year, the certificate was attached as a PDF to the notification email that came from programadmin@…

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No, we haven’t received the actual certificate yet, either. We were wondering the same thing.

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My daughter got her email last night!!! Is there an official list of colleges for 2022-2023?


Still waiting and as of this morning still nothing

I am still waiting as well. Her old high school (she transferred) verified she was on the list for the recognition, but we have received no email confirmation from College Board for anything related to this.

We received his certificate last night. Did anyone else?

My daughter got hers.

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It came last night.


My son received his certificate (dated around 2am EST today 9/1) :blush:


I guess my daughter is just not going to get this award. Her old high school from last year notified us she was on the list of recipients from NRP, but my daughter never received an email or certificate. I have sent probably 20 emails, had the school email NRP, called college board board and asked them to reach out directly and all I get is form email responses that they received the email. I cannot believe how poorly this is being handled. There is no telephone number to contact NRP. I have included her college board ID, NRP application number, emails, etc. and they just will not do anything.

So I have been notified by the school she received the award, but I have nothing in hand. Can she list this as an award on her application? On a better note, the National Merit Scores have leaked for our state and my daughter did make National Merit Semi-Finalist, so a bit of good news. Just very frustrating that NRP cannot just respond, confirm and forward the certificate.

I would absolutely list it, since her school has verified it. Ask her school for the documentation they have and keep it in your files. Congrats to her on NMSF as well


Great Idea. Thanks!

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Yes, yesterday.

Update: We actually got an email today where they forwarded the certificate! I still don’t understand the issue, but just when all hope was abandoned it worked itself out! We found out today that she scored above the leaked National Merit cut-off as well, so a good day in the end.


Great news!!! Congrats and happy to hear the update!