College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Got it! Thanks!

Congrats! I think this is the list you are looking for:

That’s a really nice compilation, I could never find anything like that… so I did it all manually pretty much. If you go back to I think Sept 2021, you’ll find my original list and I posted new finds every once in a while, but never got around to compiling the updates into a consolidated/updated list. There are some schools missing here, like Duquesne. Full tuition, competitive, only one. Duquesne is one of the schools missing from my original list as well, but I posted the details about a month later. I just noticed my list is missing Fordham too, which I dont understand, because I knew from the beginning that was one of the best NRP scholarships available. Maybe I will update my list now that my D is in college and tie in all my updates and other updates people posted since I originally posted it a year ago. There may be some on my list that aren’t on the provided link. I will say, although my D22 did not opt for any of NRP scholarships she received in the end, there are still very significant scholarships to be had with this recognition.


I think they stole from YOUR great list because I remember seeing yours and it was comprehensive and updated often-which was much appreciated!


“Ultimate” list is also missing ASU New American University Scholarship – National Recognition Scholars | ASU Scholarships

Please delete.

What is ASU’s New American University Scholarship for NHS dollar value at? Do you know by chance?

It depends if you are in-state or out-of-state.

You can estimate what you would get using the estimator at ASU First-year Student Scholarship Estimator | ASU Scholarships

Check “I am a National Scholar” above the Calculate button.

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Thanks, looks like the best anyone can do is 15k for out of state and that is with a 4.0. The scholar checkbox does not seem to change anything with a 4.0. Interesting.

They only offer the scholarship based on CBNRP for in state students since last year. OOS only qualify for $15.5k per year ($62k total) president’s scholarship based on gpa. My daughter received it last year but declined.

I am sorry about the discontinuation of the full tuition scholarship for CBNRP OOS students. How is your daughter doing?

It seems that ASU is happy with their Engineering enrollment numbers this fall, so it’s unlikely that they will go back to the old amounts:

"The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering has reached an impressive milestone — student enrollment hit a high of 30,000 students this fall.

That’s up 12% from last year and 27% from 2017, making it the largest engineering school in the nation."

ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering hits record enrollment | ASU News

I suppose that their US News rankings are a big factor:

• No. 18 in civil engineering.
• No. 20 in cybersecurity.
• No. 20 in electrical engineering.
• No. 21 in environmental engineering.
• No. 23 in computer engineering.
• No. 23 in mechanical engineering.

Fulton Schools of Engineering jumps 9 spots in 2 years in US News rankings | ASU News


That’s great. My husband got his engineering degree at ASU. Great program. She is doing very well at Texas A&M.Thanks for asking. She ended up receiving not only the CBNRP scholarship but also additional one year recruitment scholarships from the college and the department. So full tuition ended up being covered this year and the CBNRP partial scholarship for all 4 years. She has all A’s and one B at midterm mark. She is in 3 clubs. She is happy and enjoying life on campus. The department and college scholarships for returning students open every winter. So here’s hoping she can get those additional annual scholarships again and get full tuition covered again each year. :smile: Her younger brother wants to be a doctor so we’ve got lots of tuition in the pipeline . We’ll take the savings where we can get it. :sweat_smile:


Happy to hear this!

I know there are some parents here whose kids applied to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) and were recognized in 2022 before they entered college (completely different competition from National Hispanic Merit Scholar.) Just wondering if you think it’s worth it for students to apply, especially if we have an income between $150K-$175K as I know the award is at least somewhat based on need. I recall some of you saying the process wasn’t very organized but also that there are perks to being selected. Thanks.

This is the link to the program:

I’m quite disappointed with HSF. They seem to talk a big story and I was under the impression it was merit based and not need based. My son got the scholar recognition, but they gave him zero. He is super busy trying to get good grades and does not have time to attend zooms etc. Most of the people they feature are grads and older students. Maybe down the road he can get some benefit from it but none for now.

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Must be frustrating to spend so much time on applications and not be given any merit. It’s obviously a great honor (very competitive to get recognition) and I’m sure the events and zoom meetings help with connections and involvement with the Hispanic community but still! I’m trying to assess the cost/benefit with my son being so busy this year. I’ll have him look into how involved the application process will be and see if he wants to pursue it. Congrats to your son-sorry he didn’t get more recognition in terms of merit.

Give the kid a bone, right? Nada. But they want him to do this and that and they feature all these companies who are their sponsors. Where is the money going? I hope some of these outfits get audited. Maybe someone here can attest that HSF was wonderful to them and can balance our experience.

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How much time did he spend on the application process? There are a few stages or parts, right? They don’t even know how much they’ve been awarded, if anything, until very late in the process, right?

Well, I hope your son landed other great scholarships and is enjoying his college journey so far.

He does not know how much time but its literally worse than a college application with all the stages, essays and college downloads. They switched web platform so the website was not working or worked different on a mobile vs a laptop. It was painful as I recall. I could be wrong, but their administration are the people behind the Gates scholarship and I think they are the people behind the College Board National Recognition program. They do all the emailing and statistics. It’s a business. Too bad they could not spare a dime for my kid.

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I think that’s what makes it frustrating. You’d think sponsors like the Gates Foundation would ensure they had their act together with technology and making this a smooth, user-friendly system-and ensure that ALL students honored receive some kind of monetary award. There is nothing wrong with considering income for the larger awards, but all students should get something IMO.