College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

@timan2000 your son has received notice of award value (or lack of value) already? My daughter submitted her enrollment verification a couple weeks ago, but she still has not heard anything back yet about the amount. It is a merit scholar award, but it is true that there is also a need based component as well. However, when she received notice that she had been selected as a scholar for 2022, it says as a scholar she has been selected to receive a scholarship of between $500-$5000 based on financial need. She submitted the FAAL back in July and the enrollment verification in September and now she is still waiting to hear what her actual award will be. But based on the wording, I didn’t think anyone who was selected as a non-waitlisted scholar would receive $0. Also, based on old threads, people who won in the past seemed to indicate that the award amounts could be pretty good based more on what you were expected to pay out of pocket.
From what I can remember of the process - there has been a lot of waiting, which hass been frustrating at times, the process is very long and it would be nice if they could get the award of HSF Scholar much earlier, if not the money, so they could use it on other applications and send as updates to college applications. It would be nice if there was visibility into status after you submit things, but there really isn’t. But the application itself I don’t recall being very difficult for my daughter to fill out. (Was there an essay? I don’t recall) Maybe I am forgetting, but I was trying to remember a few days ago because I want her to apply again when it opens in January. It is the rare scholarship you can apply for throughout college and even in graduate school.

edit: Now that I think about it - I think Phase 2, after student became a finalist, there was an essay submission, but I think it was brief.

The other thing I wanted to point out that in addition to the money, there are other opportunities that Scholars can take advantage of if they want to, through the HSF. There is access to internships, job opportunities, training, Scholar Conferences, networking, career services. So, there is the possibility to make much more out of it, if scholars use the resources offered to them. Also, i asked my daughter to check and for the first time, some other scholarship opportunities show up on her portal too. So, yeah the process can be kind of a pain, but 10,000 times easier than the Coca Cola scholarship process that went nowhere because the application was so ridiculously restrictive and clearly they used an algorithm for the first round to see who had the most school only activities.

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I’m fairly certain they told my son they have no money for him. They ran out. Then they say something about perhaps more sponsors give more money later and they can give him something at that time. Like you I was under the impression that the smallest award was 500. They should change that to zero. The most recent thing was, he had to prove that he is enrolled full time in college, or he loses his NHS scholar designation. He did that, but again he did that for nothing in return. Not even an electronic certificate. I’m still waiting for someone with a glowing report. Maybe one of our forum members with demonstrated need? My son plans to do some research very soon and he hopes to be allowed to reach out to the HSF scholar community. I’m hopeful he can at least be able to do that. We will see if his effort pays off in some way.


Was he named as a Scholar or was he named as a Scholar on the waiting list? People on the waiting list are still scholars with all the other benefits, but they dont know if they will have money for them yet. Based on the long, multi-step process (yeah, it is a pain), the enrollment verification was just the final step that was always laid out if you made it to the Scholar phase. There is a chance that some applicants deferred their college admission or took a year off if already in college, so you have to verify enrollment to receive the award. According to the schedule, awards don’t go out until December. I just wonder when they tell students what their award amounts will be. That being said, for those who are on the waiting list, looking at previous years, a bunch of people on the waiting list do end up receiving notification of a scholarship in December. Not everybody on the waiting list, but a bunch of people on the forum.

There is no award for him. I’ll try to get the email from him. But sounds like splitting hairs. He got a whole congratulatory email and at first I thought great what’s the award because college is expensive. Nothing. I understand the verification if they were going to give him something. I think it’s more to fill their database with data. Did we have to give them our tax returns too. I hope not. I know we had to give those to some colleges. Can you sense I’m irritated?

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Here you go. No mention of waitlist nor award.

Once again, on behalf of the entire HSF family, congratulations on being designated as a 2022 HSF Scholar.

We are also writing to invite you to join us at one of our upcoming HSF Scholar Celebrations to commemorate this great accomplishment.

Scholar Celebrations provide HSF Scholars an opportunity to interact with HSF Alumni, fellow HSF Scholars, staff, and sponsors, and to begin to establish a network, through these contacts, that we hope will last a lifetime.

Don’t miss this opportunity to:

CONNECT with your HSF Family including HSF Alumni and other supporters!

LEARN more about HSF resources available to you!

BE INSPIRED by our distinguished speakers!

Registration Details to Attend In-Person

  • Choose the city below, where you wish to attend, and register!
  • Be sure to secure your place today! Space is limited, and registration will close once capacity has been reached.
  • HSF Scholars can also bring up to two guests . You MUST register yourself and your guest(s), in order for all to attend.

Chicago: Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Atlanta: Thursday, July 21, 2022


Los Angeles: Tuesday, July 26, 2022


New York: Thursday, July 28, 2022


If you are unable to attend in-person, we will have a virtual Scholar Celebration.

Virtual Scholar Celebration - Registration Details:

We will host a virtual Scholar Celebration for those Scholars (and up to two guests) who cannot attend our in-person events in any of the cities listed above.

  • To register, click the virtual registration button below.
  • In order to gain access to the celebration, you must register yourself and your guest(s).

Upon your registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing details about how to access the Virtual Scholar Celebration, and other details. Without that information, you will not have access.

Virtual: Tuesday, August 2, 2022


We hope to see you at one of our Scholar Celebrations—in person, or virtually!

*Attending a Scholar Celebration is completely voluntary and not mandatory in order to maintain your status as an HSF Scholar.*However, to maintain your designation as a 2022 HSF Scholar you must log into your [myHSF] account and submit all of your required documents by the timeline shared in communication from the HSF Scholarship Team.

As a reminder being a 2022 HSF Scholar gives you access to a full range of Scholar Support Services, including career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training.

You are also a member of a nationwide network of HSF Scholars and Alumni that you will be able to access today and in the future.

Finally, being designated as a 2022 HSF Scholar is a significant accomplishment. It is an acknowledgment of your hard work and dedication.

We encourage you to share this important distinction on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other social media profiles to support and enhance your higher-education and career journeys. HSF verifies your status with our partners who recruit for talent using LinkedIn and other online platforms.

Fidel A. Vargas

President & CEO

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hmm, this is an aside, but my D22 returned from the gates conference this summer and she seemed to be under the distinct impression that that the Hispanic Scholarship Fund administers the Gates Scholarship (not the other way around). The portal does look very similar. Of course she could have misunderstood the relationship between the organizations. Also, like what you are describing, it is possible to be a gates scholar but receive no money. I am not sure that happens very often, but reading the information packet from Gates, it is clear it does happen sometimes because as a last dollar scholarship, gates funding changes based on the institutional aid from the student’s college, and it cannot replace or decrease the family contribution. So if a student’s financial aid from the university or non-gates scholarships already covers all but the family contribution, gates does not provide any money to the student just the honor itself. My daughter is not Hispanic so we don’t have any personal experience with HSF and I can’t speak to how than program works in comparison. I am basing this comment about the similarities on what I am reading in this thread.

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I think you are correct, the same company or group of people that handle HSF also handle all the logistics of the Gates scholarship. I am willing to bet they also handled the National Recognition program. I know that changed hands and I think they got it. It’s a scholarship handling business. Think about all the personal information these people have now. Quite powerful and valuable. But not a bone for my kid. lol. Just had to throw that in there.

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Yes, I can sense you are irritated, and I get it.:confused: It has been a very long process and we are still not at the end of the road. However the email you attached is not the right email. He probably received that email 2-4 times, inviting him and then reminding him of the celebrations. They we’re not mandatory because they understood not everybody could travel to one of the 4 cities. Before he received the first invite to the celebration, he should have received an email declaring he was a 2022 HSF Scholar. In that email it would have said he was either waitlisted for a scholarship or that he would received between $500 and $5000. If the former, then yes at this point it is $0, but based on the last several years, a bunch of waitlisted people receive scholarship notifications in December, so there is still hope. If the latter, than he should be receiving between $500 and $5000 and we haven’t been told those results yet. So we are still in a waiting game for another couple months… :expressionless:

The letter for notification should look something like this - this is the waitlist variation. The non waitlist variation is almost identical, just take out the sentence about being waitlisted - it says something like you have been selected to receive a scholarship between $500-$5000.

I think they should reconsider the timing of this award to:
-seniors apply in September
-stages of application are complete by November
-winners are announced by end of December with awards given (if applicable) as a scholarship which can be used at any school of your choice (well, those who allow stacking of scholarships, that is.)

This way students can use this as an extra award that can be added to a resume or mentioned in an appeal letter in the final month before decision day. It’s strange that award winners for 2022 have to wait until December to get their award and can’t even use it to boost their candidacy for a certain school.

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Yeah, I don’t really understand the timing of the process. As it is now, the only thing a student will know that might be useable, is if they are a finalist by April timeframe. So, if the applicant is waitlisted somewhere, they can use that in a LOCI. But it would be better to know that they were an HSF Scholar for their LOCI. There are a lot of scholarships that have their deadlines after college applications are due, that isn’t unusual. It’s probably intentional, so students can focus on their college applications. But it would be nice to get some results a little sooner. That being said, I still do think there is benefit to the HSF scholarship, even if the timing is off.

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So getting back to the original question:

Yes, I do think it is worth it. Has the process been very long and drawn out and sometimes frustrating? Yes
But I don’t think the application was particularly difficult.
Do I wish there was a way to log into the portal and see status - like application submitted, FAAL submitted, Enrollment Verification Submitted, Finalist, 2022 HSF Scholar, 2022 HSF Scholar - waitlist for scholarship? Absolutely - and from old threads, it seems like in previous years, you could at least see some form of status for some of these.

That being said: Last year (and I believe every year) approximately 15,000 applicants were named semi-finalists and had to complete the phase 2 application. Of those, 10,000 applicants were named 2021 HSF Scholars and of those, 6037 Scholars were given scholarships. Those scholarships were worth nearly $24.1 million. They also gave out an addition $8.99 million in grants and assistance to organizations. (By comparison, Coca Cola gave out 150 scholarships worth $3 million).

However, all 10,000 HSF scholars, those who received scholarships and those who did not, are eligible to use all other resources available to them through the HSF - which are sort of noted in the letters that people have posted here and on the HSF thread and are listed on the HSF page. Additionally, with HSF, you can apply every year throughout college and Graduate School. Most other scholarships it is senior year only. Some scholarships that allow you to apply again after senior year, only allow you to apply again, if you won senior year. With HSF, it doesn’t matter, if you didn’t win this year, you can still apply next year. If you win this year, you can apply next year and you might not get it, but you can still apply the following year and win again. So, to me, it seems like one of the most flexible scholarships.

One last thing - there was a survey with the last input for the enrollment verification. When my daughter was submitting it, I told her she should give feedback about the web site, that it needs to give status. The portal cant become a blank page after the deadlines. I also suggested she mention the timeline, if they could compress it a little. I don’t know if she did or not - but I tried. :slight_smile: One thing is, I think the organization is not that big compared to the number of applications they receive, so that is why it takes so long to go through the applications.


I’ve been looking through a bunch of the list and one of the schools that caught my eye was the university of south carolina. Supposedly there Provost Scholarships awards NRP scholars but now their website only says National Merit Finalist and does not include NRP. I am wondering if anyone knows if it is still covered under their scholarship. Thanks.

Also does anyone know how Fordham decided who receives their NRP awards. Their website says 71 percent is that based off merit, need, or both?

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Not sure, as the website is vague. My kid got it, and we were full pay (so in our case no need), but I have heard of some getting the award who do have a combo of merit and need.

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I think they say “top 10% of applicants” which is very vague so it allows them a lot of flexibility. I don’t know any students who were offered this scholarship but one NHMS student we know did not get the award, but still decided to attend Fordham. They did get some merit and financial aid making it affordable enough to justify. The student was strong, but SAT probably wasn’t in their top tier so maybe that’s what it comes down to? My son just submitted his Fordham application a few minutes ago :crossed_fingers::blush:

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Did your son end up going to Fordham? Did you get a chance to visit? We are hoping to visit soon. We did a virtual info session and, based on that, he put Lincoln Center as his preferred campus for psychology but we aren’t sure if that’s the better fit so a visit would help. Apparently, he has a window of time to change it. Even with full tuition, it’s about $20K for room and board. NYC is not cheap, but probably a cool place to attend college.

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Yes, he ended up choosing Fordham LC, and is having a great time. His classes are all good, and all small and professors very accessible. He loves the location, the dorm is great, and he says the food is good (despite what the Niche reviews claim.) I have heard that Fordham’s psychology program is quite strong. You can do the major through either campus, but I believe those who do it at LC end up taking some of their classes at RH, as there is more selection there. Having to take some classes at Rose Hill actually seems like a positive; the RH campus and neighborhood are cool–you could either take the Ram Van shuttle for free, or consider living for a semester at the Rose Hill campus (there are a lot of nearby sublets that come available for a semester when students study abroad, and the rents near RH are much more reasonable.)


Thank you very much for that info! Good to know the Rose Hill option is there, so maybe he will get a taste of both campuses if he chooses Fordham. Do you know anything about the honors program? Does it really only allow about 20 Freshman students for each campus?

Yes, honors at Fordham is really a low number. Something like 18 for LC, maybe ~30 at RH. But then there are departmental honors programs that additional students get invited to in sophomore year, I think.


My S got 30k last year. But unsure if it was all because if the Recognition but it was part Im sure. He decided to go somewhere else.