College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Do you know if that non-engineering scholarship is given from the competitive scholarship application?

I’m not sure if this answers your question,
and I have bad memory of what all happened last year (mixed in with the other 18 colleges son applied to).

This is what happened.
He applied to UAlabama with Recognition Award.
Once accepted, he was able to access the UA portal and apply to other competitive scholarships, such as the Tradition one below.

Son didn’t put too much weight into UA by this time because he was accepted to his top choice, so I may be missing some steps/etc.

My son applied for this one (and others?):

" TRADITIONS LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP — four-year scholarship awarded to entering freshmen; extensive demonstrated leadership, volunteerism, community activity, and work experience; minimum 21 ACT or 1060 SAT and 3.0 GPA; must maintain a minimum UA GPA of 3.0 for renewal; award value $2,000 per academic year."

good luck


this post is very helpful for me

Definitely wish my son would consider Alabama (such a great deal for NHMS) but it’s a hard no for him, despite my efforts for him to keep an open mind. His biggest retort is that he doesn’t want a party school (or a huge rah rah school) or any pressure to be involved with Greek life (we know a young man who was in the honors program there and ended up joining a fraternity and he was pretty blunt about what went on and so many kids in danger with forced alcohol use and abusive tasks during pledging week and other times. He said his only escape was to offer to be the DD so he didn’t have to drink. He wanted to back out but was under the impression he’d be bullied or shunned for that.) Plus, my son feels the state of Alabama is pretty backwards on social issues he cares about. Having said that, he has some Florida schools on his list but only small to medium private schools that are known to be more progressive and aren’t under pressure (like state schools) from the state government to ban certain curriculum topics, etc. I have heard from parents of AU students that more serious, non-party kids find their people, that the honors programs are amazing, that there are many progressive & diverse students on campus and obviously the money can’t be beat…but none of it seems to be enough to convince my son. He really knows the vibe he is looking for and, although we didn’t visit, he feels certain Bama isn’t it. He knows our budget goals and has plenty of schools on his list that check his boxes and fit into our financial limits so not worth fighting him on it. Hope all your kids are feeling good about the application process so far. My son was so happy he submitted his 15 applications but is a bit overwhelmed by the “Part 2” requirements (essays, scholarship weekends, interviews) with strict deadlines. He has a busy schedule so it’s been a challenge balancing it all but he’s doing great and has the right attitude.


Hello everyone! I’m a HS senior with national hispanic recognition. Would you say the University of Alabama has the best scholarship offer for students with this recognition?

Alabama is the best we’ve found in terms of net out of pocket (certainly for OOS). If you look back up this thread there are some compilations of other schools with good scholarships. Not all are guaranteed like Alabama. Nebraska is full tuition guaranteed. Texas A&M is good but better if you are in state. I am grateful for the wonderful scholarship, and we probably wouldn’t have looked if Alabama didn’t have great OOS merit to begin with, but I am glad we did as it is my son’s first choice and doesn’t feel like a compromise (he wasn’t interested in applying to T20 schools except our flagship in state, or any small LACs). Good luck!


University of New Mexico sent my son a letter with a 120k scholarship for national recognition scholar.


Does that cover full tuition for OOS?

Yes, it included an out of state fee waiver.

You’re right, Alabama does seem to be the best option. Thank you!!

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That’s awesome! I’ll apply there too just in case it ends up being cheaper

Has anyone received the official letter for NRP from Alabama? My son got his award letter today for merit but it did not mention NRP. He qualifies for a large scholarship but it is not as good as the NRP. Do they release those awards in March?

We got two different award letters on the same day, one the presidential and one for NRP. Make sure you send a copy of your award certificate in, or wait a week and contact them!


Thank you! Son has reached out to our AO over the weekend with a copy of the certificate. I think it is a bit odd because they are the ones that reached out to him with the info that he is an NRP awardee. So, they have that information already. It is also possible that the second letter is late and they do say that a consolidated award letter will be only available in March 2023.

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Anyone have any information on the amount of merit aid offered to African American Recognition recipients for Northeastern? They show a range on the website but I thought I would try to get more specific information. My son applied EA. Thanks.

It is probably hard to get numbers upfront from Northeastern. See this old post:

NHRP 2019 College Scholarship List - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

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I have heard in the $28-32K range.

Did anyone receive NRP from Fordham. They release their merit aid for ea applicant a couple of days ago and I didn’t receive NRP. Wondering if anyone did or if that comes later.

There is some information on this on the Fordham Early Action Decisions Fall 2023 thread. There were a few students who definitely received the Recognition Scholarships.
My DD did not, unfortunately. She received another type of scholarship, but Fordham is still out of our reach.

Yes, my son was awarded the National Hispanic Recognition award. It was in his financial aid package that was sent a few days ago.

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