College Board National Recognition Programs

It looks like CB started a new program that now includes African Americans (if you recalled, back in 2016 they removed the one for AA). Well today DD21 received an email congratulating her in being in the top 2% of AA in her region. We are in California if that matters. This was great news as she just missed the cutoff for Nation Merit in our area. So happy for her. Only other criteria I could see is the 3.5 UW GPA. Once she completes the application I can share more if there is any.


Got it too! Do you know what it is for and how many students? What does this do with my application? I got a 1390 past score which I honestly was kinda disappointed about (reading section always kills me which is why I took the ACT instead of SAT). I’m wondering what the actual benefits of this are…

It’s just recognition but according to some on the Hispanic site some colleges give scholarship for those who get the award. According to CB site
“ Benefits

The College Board National Recognition Programs are academic honors that can be included on college applications. They’re not scholarships, but colleges use them to identify academically exceptional students.”

D21 school does recognize recipients on their FB page, during the Awards Ceremony & in the graduation booklet so it’s a nice honor for her.

Forgot to also add, don’t forget to complete the application process, have an Admin from your school verify grades/etc by the due date. Below is also from the CB Site. I’m so glad they brought this back for AA students.

“ Recognition

If you are awarded National Recognition, your high school counselor or principal will receive a mailed award letter and certificate in September of your senior year. You’ll have plenty of time to include this recognition on your college and scholarship applications.

You will also be notified via email”

My son got this also. Did you figure out if it has any meaning? Or what it means? He said the application was just like name and birthdate type stuff. Nothing he was asked to provide would help them evaluate him any further. His PSAT was something like 1250 but it’s not entirely impossible he was 1 of less than 10 black kids in our state who took it last year because of Covid restrictions.

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Some colleges may give scholarships for College Board National Recognition Program status. For example, Arizona State scholarships are significantly better for those who are “National Scholars” (= National Merit or College Board National Recognition Program).

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My son got late notification (he took it in Jan 2021 and they just changed to accept Jan PSAT students bc of COVID) to apply. He did but is applying ED1 and EA so couldn’t get the recognition on his Common App in time. We contacted both schools and one said they would add invitation recognition to his app and the other said it was too late. He likely won’t hear back from CB until ED school has decided his status, which is unfortunate bc the ED school offers significant merit aid (which we need) for students receiving this recognition. There are other schools also offering significant merit aid for this recognition.

Some schools offer significant merit aid for students with this recognition.