College choice help?!

<p>I love to write, read, learn... So I decided I'll major in Journalism with a minor in anthropology & try to write for National Geographic when I graduate. Although, my boyfriend and I want to attend college together or close to each other. That being said, he wants to major in environmental studies or sustainable agriculture. He loves the mountains, anywhere that backpacking & hiking will be taking place. While I love somewhere with a beach or lake with walking trails & biking. </p>

<p>Can anyone think of somewhere BESIDES western US that will fit all of this?
Much Appreciated <3</p>

<p>UNC Chapel Hill has an outstanding journalism department- about 3 hours from a beach. The NC mountain schools- UNC Asheville, Appalachian State- are all near hiking areas. Warren Wilson is another idea. Don’t know how far is too far for schools or what your academic criteria and finances are.
The NC mountains are still a good distance from the beach, but western NC has lakes. Lake Lure is a short drive from Asheville.</p>

<p>As a parent, I am not a fan of young people going to the same college mainly for a dating relationship- if you two are in high school now. Going to college with a boyfriend/girlfriend can restrict you from much of the social opportunities- not just dating others, but having the time to make new friends and develop as individuals.
I am sure you have heard this enough already and you are adults, but people grow, change majors, change their minds about a lot of things, including their boyfriend/girlfriend during the college years. Also, if one of you compromises your college wishes for the other- it could lead to resentment later on.</p>

<p>I’d look at UGA, UC Boulder, and Reed. 3 different levels of selectivity, 3 very different schools, but all would be great for both of your needs.</p>

<p>Pennylane2011 we aren’t set on going to the same college, but I would like to be close by. I feel the same about going to the same college, people change things can happen. But I think it’s worth looking into. I’d marry the kid now, so I’m trying to be open minded about finding something that meets my needs but is still close enough to make things work.</p>

<p>I hear you Beachster… Some kids are mature enough to make it work and it sounds like you are thinking clearly about it. Being too far apart could be difficult on both of you too. I know my own kids are not ready to make such a choice, but they know a few friends who are engaged and handling it well. I do hope you can work it out. Look at states that have the geography you want and the schools. Georgia has beaches, lakes, and mountains so UGA is a great choice…and there are many more to choose from.</p>

<p>University of Florida is in Gainesville, right on the beach. It has one of the top journalism programs in the country even though it is only 50 years old. </p>

<p>UNC Chapel Hill is a great choice too-lots of nice trails in the area for your outdoor interests.</p>

<p>Don’t know about the nature side of these schools, but Penn State, Syracuse, University of Georgia, Boston College, Boston University, and University of Maryland College Park are all top j-schools.</p>

<p>It is great that you and your boyfriend want to stick together, but that may not be possible-so be prepared that scenario.</p>