College Class of 2013 Results

<p>List the results of where you got in, post your stats</p>

SAT (best combo, took it twice): M - 650, CR - 750, W - 780, total score - 2180
Didn't take ACT
SAT II: Math I - 670, Chemistry - 600, U.S. History - 690
Rank: 1/36
No APs or IBs, dual enrollment in junior and senior year English, U.S. history, economics, government
GPA: 4.2 weighted, ~3.9 unweighted
No special math tests or anything</p>

Essays: Pretty good stuff!
Teacher recs: EXCELLENT (they love me)
Counselor rec: EXCELLENT (she loves me)
No supplementary materials
Hook: URM (duh), research experience (see below)</p>

Location: Texas
High school type: small Christian
Ethnicity: Mexican (USA/Mexico dual citizen)
Gender: male</p>

Extracurriculars (main ones): President of student council, editor of yearbook, volunteer at clinic, volunteer at church, Beta Club, NHI, did some research on DNA methylation and its relation to leukemia at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX
Awards: National Merit Semifinalist (on apps, now finalist), National Hispanic Scholar, Most Distinguished Senator at 2008 TX LDZ, some school awards, and probably some other stuff I can't remember
Prospective career choice: something in the sciences for sure, leaning very heavily towards medicine
Prospective majors: neuroscience, philosophy, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, some others</p>

<p>Accepted: MIT, Columbia (unofficially - "likely letter"), Wash U in St Louis, Texas, U Chicago, Wesleyan (in Connecticut)
Waiting: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford
Rejected: none so far...</p>

<p>I just copy-pasted this from another thread, didn't feel like formatting.</p>

<p>College process just finished today, yay!</p>

-Macaulay Honors College
-Saint Peter's College
-St. John's University (NY)
-University of Hartford</p>

-Columbia University (applied ED-deferred>rejected)</p>

<p>For stats check my old posts.</p>

<p>Gender: F
Location: New York
High School: Public
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 93
GPA - Weighted: 97.2%
Class Rank: 33
Class Size: 600
AP's: 7 (Only opted out of two offered at my school) Everything else was honors except two classes taken through Syracuse University and a three year research course that was not funded so produced no research, but was weighted as AP</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 720
SAT I Critical Reading: 700
SAT I Writing: 780
SAT II Literature: 710
SAT II Math Level 1 (IC): 730
SAT II Physics: 680</p>

<p>Essays: Very Good, but not amazing
Teacher Rec: One good to excellent, the other amazing didn't see either
Counselor Rec: Awesome, explained why my grades dipped after freshman year and my lack of school extra curriculars.</p>

<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Girl Scout for 13 years, Gold Award and Silver Award recipient.
Have written three novels, unpublished
Student Gov't two years
Math, Social Studies, English, Science Honor Societies
Leadership positions: 30 hours required for Gold Award, but nothing official.
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Freshman Softball, could not continue because of an undiagnosed illness that caused me to miss too much school to play.
Volunteer/Service Work: 200+ hours for Girls Scouts and various schools in the area.
Honors and Awards: National Hispanic Merit Scholar, AP Scholar
College Summer programs: Johns Hopkins CTY program-2 summers.
Job Experience: 30+ hours a week in the summer, part time during school since last year.</p>

Washington College (20 K a year)
Ithaca College (16 K a year)
SUNY Stony Brook (3 K a year WISE program)
Johns Hopkins (No money, impossible financial aid package)
University of Maryland College Park (Honors, Gemstone, B/K, Full Ride, will attend)</p>


<p>I'm linking to this thread as it contains additional Class of 2013 results:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Totally late, but I’ll add it in:</p>

<p>Gender: F
Location: Arizona
High School: Public and Charter (2 high schools)
High School Type: 1=rarely sends to top tier schools (maybe once in 10 years), 2=sends a few to top tier schools
Will apply for financial aid: No</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.9/4.0
GPA - Weighted: 4.3/4.4
Class Rank: 2/xx (senior) or 1/5xx (previous school)</p>

<p>AP’s: 9 tests (with 2 3’s and the rest 4/5), 2 dual enrollment courses</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 700
SAT I Critical Reading: 740
SAT I Writing: 800</p>

<p>Essays: Very good
Teacher Rec: Didn’t see them, but I expected they were good
Counselor Rec: Awful – counselor knew nothing about me, sounded like a resume</p>

<p>Significant Extracurriculars:
Academic Decathlon (2nd place in region)
Journalism (Editor)
Literary Magazine (Founder, editor)
Human Rights Club (President)
Gay-Straight Alliance (President)
National Honor Society (President, Secretary)
Thespians (Technical Director)
Volunteer/Service Work:
About 400 hours over high school with charities for disease and animal shelters
Honors and Awards:
AP Scholar, National Hispanic Scholar</p>

U of Arizona



  • The reported acceptance to these colleges without some of the required standardized testing is cited by the member as due to special circumstances.</p>

<p>wow those are really good. where did you end up going?</p>

<p>Me? I’m at U of A. Others didn’t give as much financial aid. :P</p>

<p>But you said you didn’t apply for FA. I don’t know about C, but Y & P have very good FA for families making up to 200k.</p>

<p>AtomicCafe, do you mind divulging your Subject Test scores?</p>

<p>^ Well, I sort of likes UofA because of all of the research opportunities and being closer to home, so I didn’t look much for FA. I’m sure I could have afforded an Ivy if I tried, but… I didn’t. :P</p>

<p>As for Subject scores, I didn’t take any. Long story behind why I didn’t, but there’s nothing hiding there.</p>

<p>Thanks, I just asked about FA because P & Y have some of the best in the nation and I’d hate to mislead applicants in thinking they can’t afford them without even investigating and running FA calculators.</p>

<p>How did AtomicCafe get into Ivy League schools without taking subject tests? I thought it was required.</p>

<p>Oh I see the footnote. What classifies as a special circumstance?</p>

<p>Yes, subject tests are required for those schools. AC apparently had special circumstances that he prefers to keep private. Since this is an internet forum, we have no way of confirming or rejecting the notion that colleges ever make allowances for standardized testing. My advice is that all candidates for these colleges should take and submit the required tests.</p>