College close to home

And while AC Transit/BART are far from perfect, we do have a much better local transit system than many other parts of the country. It is not hard to get around, especially to San Francisco, etc. Lots of exploring can be done with a Clipper card.

Why, Berkeley Bowl West, of course! Too far from campus for any students to be casually milling about.

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We live about 30 minutes from Berkeley and S23 asked outright, with trepidation written plainly on his face, if we would expect him to come home often if he accepted. We assured him we wouldn’t treat it any differently than if he went to school across the country. We’re here if HE wants to come home, but we won’t be asking him to do so. And with Bay Area traffic, there’s no chance I’ll be showing up unexpectedly at his dorm room! :slight_smile:

I’m kinda curious how it’s going to play out… I do feel a bit disappointed for his sake that he won’t be experiencing a different part of the country, but he wanted urban, and Berkeley is definitely more urban than where we live, so there’s that.