College Confidental

Hi there, I have a rather unique situation at hand. I am currently an undergrad student going towards my final semester. I however was on academic probation after a having a horrible semester beforehand. I need to meet the minimum required GPA to continue to the final semester. I however fell a bit short of that. I am now put on permanent academic dismissal. I am not quite sure what to do in this situation. I talked to my councilor and he told me to appeal my case to the school. I am three classes away from graduation. How likely would it be that they would take my request for readmission?

This is what the college sees:

A student who is on academic probation who swore they would do well THIS time did not do well this time. So they have dismissed them.

What was the issue you had that caused your difficulties?
Was it a job? Health issues? Mental Health issues? Difficult courses? Partying? Drugs? Spending too much time on other things?

Did you talk to your professors/dean of students about the issue?

Did you make use of the many resources your school has? if not, why not?

Find out what those resources are…e.g. counseling center, talking to professors, talking to your adviser, withdrawing from class, talking to dean, maybe taking incompletes. . Here are more ideas College is a step up from HS: 16 Tips on doing well in College - College Life - College Confidential Forums

Talk to the Dean of Students about your situation. Ask them what you need to do to be able to return. Maybe this will be taking some classes somewhere else. Ask about if you could graduate if you took classes somewhere else or how that could work.

Let’s say they provide you a road map.

You have to understand the issue you had AND address it before you go further.