College Confidential users BEWARE

<p>I, like many of you on college confidential, go on here to find out information, help others with information, or to just look around. I am currently a high school senior, and I found this site useful during the whole admissions process. HOWEVER, there is something you may want to know before using this site again....</p>

<p>..I recently was on a school's discussion board on here where I was discussing my acceptance and my stats to the particular college. The posts were nothing out of the ordinary. These posts were nothing I would be ashamed of saying, something I could care less if my parents read. BUT.....the next morning, I received an email from THE ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR from the college. It was a very arrogant and sarcastic email, from the director himself, telling me about how some of his "colleagues" have brought my posts to his attention.</p>

<p>I presented this emails to my counselor and she was appalled at his statements. I also printed out my comments on collegeconfidential just to prove that I said nothing abnormal. His comments were unprofessional, and not only that, but he had the audacity to email me based on what his supposed "colleagues" told him from a site where people basically blog and post threads. How is a discussion forum, on the internet I must add, enough credence to email me accusing me of something? I could have been fake, comments could have been altered in some way, who knows. It was just an unprofessional move IMO, and I seriously questioned his judgment.</p>

<p>So, what I am getting at is to warn everyone that do not let the "confidential" in fool you. Representatives from colleges, as high in rank as the ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR are out here. And, as I said before, I did not say anything offensive, abnormal, or ANYTHING LIKE THAT. That is what appalls me the most. </p>

<p>So I just thought I would share you my experience I had. Beware, who knows who is out here on these sites.</p>

<p>Well, I am quite surprised an admission director would mention that, especially coming from a prestigious university (sorry I looked at your post history). It should be your business and yours alone.</p>

<p>What admission director are you talking about? Who signed the email?</p>

<p>ehhh… why should we believe this</p>

<p>post the email.</p>

<p>Well, since anyone can view my history, I might as well add that the college I am referring to is Fordham University.</p>

<p>…I am not making this up, believe me or not if you want. I just want to let you all know about this. Trust me, I would love to show you the email, but I am still contemplating whether or not I should.</p>

<p>can u pm me the email ill vouch for u</p>

<p>Wow, if indeed it is true, then that is definitely unprofessional. Even as a joke, it is in the context of being unruly. Perhaps some friends are messing with you? But according to what you said, it doesn’t seem so. Although the internet is an open archive for information, it (especially collegeconfidential) certainly isn’t a place for admissions officers to gather information about applicants and use it against them. Shame on him/her if all this is true. And if is not true, shame on those who did this as a joke.</p>

<p>He introduced himself with his name stated he was the admissions director. The return email address matched the same email address for the admissions director which is shown the college’s website</p>

<p>…but like, let’s just say that I wrote posts that were totally obscene or offensive, which i didnt, but lets say i did do that. How is that even enough credence for an admissions director of a fairly reputable school to email me. I mean this site where people could be fake, make up lies, or what not. To be honest, i was quite angry and infuriated when i saw the email. My counselor said she has never seen anything like this before</p>

<p>The full header on the received email (which is not visible with most email-reading software, without the user altering default settings) would reveal whether someone “spoofed” (faked) the email.</p>

<p>yea i checked that…it was notttt “spoofed”…it was indeed the correct email of the admissions director</p>

<p>First of all, how did he know it was YOU. Did your schools discussion board use actual names then I suppose?</p>

<p>well, thats anothing point i was trying to make…how would he ever know if it was actually me…someone else could have went onto my account and said anything he or she wanted</p>

<p>It really may have been spoofed. Spoofed emails DO look like the real email.</p>

<p>o.o … weird</p>

<p>i doubt it was fake…bc he himself admits to every once in a while coming on here</p>

<p>I’m surprised he emailed you, but I’m not surprised he was reading CC. I know of at least 2 adcom members who regularly read their school’s board and a few post here. Lots of kids here give enough info to be identifiable by anyone who has read their application. This is a good and valid heads up.</p>

<p>The way to check for a spoof: make sure the sender server <em>matches</em> the sender email address domain (yes they can be different – the second can be spoofed easily – spoofing the first one is much harder).</p>

<p>'I presented this emails to my counselor and she was appalled at his statements."
Have your counselor CALL the admisson’s director to 1] confirm that he actually sent you an email and, IF it was from him, which I really doubt, 2] find out why he sent it, as it had caused great alarm to both you and your counselor.</p>

<p>Man that’s some messed up stuff… That sounds a little bit immature of Fordham too, I hope it wasn’t real :(</p>

<p>is this a university you plan to attend? was it Fordham? I really cannot believe that something like this could happen…how can they even be sure that you belong to that account name?</p>