College Course Schedules

I am an incoming freshman at the University of Michigan this coming Fall 2022 semester and I am currently trying to make my college class schedule. Currently, for my first year writing requirement I am debating between taking HISTORY 195 - The Writing of History: Law and Everyday Life in Colonial and Postcolonial Societies with Prof Meenu Deswal and LSWA 125 - College Writing: Border Crossings with Prof Naomi Silver.

I was wondering how much time commitment and value most students had found in these classes? Any amount of information would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Have you asked this on the student discord/SM pages? Checked comments on RateMyProfessor? I would start there.

Congratulations on UMich and best wishes for your next four years there! :blue_heart::yellow_heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart:

P.s. you may want to edit your handle if that is your real name.

Thank you so much for your response.

How do we join the student discord?

I suggest asking in one of the active UMich threads. Here is a link to one. Students usually post something there to start connecting via discord, FB, Instagram or other SM. Or parents of other incoming freshman may be able to get that for you.

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There should be a review my professor for Michigan also go to each Professors own website. They should clearly state their class objectives. Also… Talk to your AO or admissions… They tend to know a lot and can put you in touch with resources /people that might be able to help you.

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