College courses everyone should take?

<p>So, in your opinion, what are some college courses that everyone should take before they graduate?</p>

<p>My list:
Intro to Philosophy
Intro to Statistics
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
American Government</p>

<p>I think it highly depends on the professor. The classes I would recommend have had the best professors.</p>

<p>-Art History
-Media classes (Mass Media and Society, Media Ethics, Media Writing) [All taught by the same guy]
-Sculpture, Printmaking, or Drawing</p>

<p>My intro to philosophy class was terrible, but I do like philosophy as a topic. I haven’t taken an econ class but I think I probably should.</p>

<p>I think those are some great selections. To add:</p>

<p>Intro/General Psych
Human Sexuality

<p>I believe U.S. history should make the list too because I think every educated American should know at least basic knowledge of our country’s past.</p>

<p>US history is typically required by high schools in the US. So is US government and civics.</p>

<p>Not that we don’t get enough US history in the k-12 sysem. >.></p>

<p>I think taking a class on a different culture should be on that list.</p>

<p>I think everyone should take a class that will teach them about privilege (white, male, heterosexual, whatever). I’m in a sociology class on race right now and it has really opened up my eyes to things I didn’t even know existed. Learning about my own privilege has been extremely interesting, and so many people know so little about it. Plus, if everyone had to learn about their own privileges in society, I would like to hope there would be less bigotry going on.</p>

<p>You can just learn all that stuff online if you really wanted to.</p>

<p>Yes but the point is most people won’t. The point of a thread like this is: what basic things do we want educated people to know?</p>

<p>American government. It’s scary how little people know about how our government works.</p>

<p>Macro and micro would definitely be good. I’d also say a course in communication that teaches you how to present would be good. So many people don’t know how to do proper presentations, especially when PowerPoint is involved.</p>

<p>I’d like to see a basic course in computer science required for everyone. Understanding at least at a basic level the ways in which almost all of the technology you use in everyday life has its foundation in seems like something we’d want all well educated people to have.</p>

<p>I’d argue for at least a class in bio, chem, physics, and some sort of design/project based engineering course, but I imagine that would be even less popular.</p>

<p>Psych, Stats, General English writing course and a theatre course were some of the most enjoyable/useful courses I’ve taken.</p>

<p>American Government
Micro/Macro Economics
A class on a different culture like China’s history or something
Foreign language requirement
A basic computer science course</p>

<p>Interesting thread!</p>

<p>Echoing stats/econ</p>

<p>Also, a class on 20th century literature. Just, you know, to understand the huge rift between what we can do and what we think we can do</p>

<p>I agree with those who mentioned American Government/US History.</p>

<p>I’ve never taken a government or an economics class. In grades 5-12, I only studied US History twice, and both times I had really lousy teachers. (Well one was alright, but he taught mostly about government and that was the 7th grade teacher. My AP US teacher taught mostly European history, because he had been teaching for forty years and only 2 of those had been spent teaching American history.)</p>

<p>I think that everyone should take the basic English, history, math, science, and foreign language. Beyond that, include econ and governments, and I say the rest should be major and minor courses.</p>

<p>I think everyone should take statistics. I actually think statistics should be emphasized more in high school since it’s how most people use numbers in the “real world.” It’s certainly more relevant than trig (for most).</p>

<p>Beyond that, I think everyone should take at least one specific cultural class. I think one of my most rewarding classes (and hardest) was a German music class that focused on opera and song cycles.</p>

<p>AUgirl- seriously? Not a single class? I thought almost all states required high school students to take a gov class before graduation. What state?</p>

Public speaking
Using MS Office, if you don’t already know it well
Finance and/or microeconomics

<p>Chemistry! lol…</p>