College Credit or AP

Is it okay if I take college credit instead of AP classes ?

Either one is acceptable to the University of Miami and they have credit policies on their website for both.

I have personally taken both AP and Dual Enrollment classes and there are definitely pros and cons to each. With an AP class, you have to pass the exam with a 3 or higher and for most schools, it’s a 4 or higher to receive credit. With college classes, you are guaranteed the credit as long as you pass with a C or higher. That said however, the set up of a college class taught by a PhD level professor is very different than that of an AP course taught by a high school teacher. I just completed a Principles of Macroeconomics course where your grade was based on 3 tests and that was it, so if you failed one, you had very little chance of passing the class without amazing scores on the other two.

There is also the fact that the college professor are not going to remind you about every assignment either. It is your responsibility to keep up with your schedule and there is no such thing as late work or test make-ups without a solid reason and some valid proof. High school teachers, even the AP ones, are a lot more lenient and structured. They remind you about everything and will approach you if they are concerned. That is not to say that some will not benefit from leaving the structured high school life for a more personal responsibility approach.

Whatever you choose to do is up to you but I warn you to be really careful what you choose, particularly where college courses are concerned. Those grades will follow you wherever you choose to complete your degree so make sure you keep them up! Good luck to you.