College Dilemma... *sigh*

<p>Ok, so currently I'm pretty set on becoming a pharmacist and have received admission to the following schools: Drake University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Purdue University, and University of Illinois at Chicago.</p>

<p>Now, here are there pharmacy graduate program rankings (I'll be undergrad but this is for the future)</p>

<p>UIC- #9
Purdue #9
Wisc- #11
Drake #51</p>

<p>Now, right now Drake is my first choice because it's not huge like wisc and not right next door like UIC..</p>

<p>My question is though, would it be a mistake to choose drake over the other schools? I mean, How much to employers look at the ranking of the school when you apply for a job?</p>

<p>Well, they look at your grad school more than undergrad. You probably won’t go to your grad school where you go for undergrad, so go to your undergrad where you want to.</p>