<p>How many paragraphs does my essay need to be? I've got 3 paragraphs and it seems to me that my essay is done. Will admissions looks down upon me for the 3 paragraphs even if the essay is quite lengthy?</p>
<p>Thanks A Lot!</p>
<p>How many paragraphs does my essay need to be? I've got 3 paragraphs and it seems to me that my essay is done. Will admissions looks down upon me for the 3 paragraphs even if the essay is quite lengthy?</p>
<p>Thanks A Lot!</p>
<p>Really doesn’t matter. The personal essay space is for u to express urself, use it however u deem fit. three or thirty is immaterial. Otherwise, just be weary that where they dont tell u to keep it to a limit, dont go tooo overboard with the length. Brevity was always the soul of wit. Make it concise, i know most ppl keep it to around 600 words. Try to keep there, and to make your point, the number of paragraphs is a non-issue</p>