College fair is on Monday!

<p>Hey guys, my college fair is on Monday and some of the schools for nursing I want to go to (Uconn, drexel, duquesne, seton hall, umass and more) are gonna be there. But I can't think of any good questions about their nursing program to ask. Would a question like "what makes your nursing school better than most schools?" a good question?</p>

<p>For a very competitive school, it is good to introduce yourself, make a positive impression on the admissions counselor, and express your interest in the school. In that case, it is particularly valuable to research the college in advance to show your interest.</p>

<p>For a less competitive school, the emphasis is more upon the college convincing you that it is a desirable choice. </p>

<p>In any case, I’d spend a few minutes on the website of each, and look for some questions that are not easily answered on the web. Keep in mind that you will probably be talking to a junior admissions rep. who won’t know the details of every academic program.</p>

<p>The one college fair I was at involved 50 students crowded around the table of the flagship university, and many colleges where the rep looked very very lonely and was very happy to have someone pick up a brochure.</p>

<p>For any college where you may apply, sign their list on their table. Many colleges keep track of interest expressed by each applicant. Some colleges give preference in admissions to students who visit the college, contact the admissions office, etc. because those students are more likely to accept an offer of admission.</p>