College Grades/GPA

<p>I heard that grades are inflated so much at Stanford that only someone as stupid as George W. Bush can graduate from Stanford with a GPA lower than a 4.0. Do internships/grad programs/employers take into consideration how hard some colleges are at grading?</p>

<p>First of all, I'm sure most students do NOT graduate from Stanford with a 4.0</p>

<p>Second, unless you have met George Bush and had an intellectual conversation with him you can't claim he his stupid. You may not agree with his policies, but he did become president, and that takes some degree of intelligence. People seem to equate a lack of public speaking skills/policies they don't agree with with stupidity. </p>

<p>You would come across as much more sensible if you didn't take the cheapest shot possible, and instead gave Bush the credit he deserved and then explained (and backed up with examples) the things you don't like about him.</p>

<p>Well he graduated with a 2.35 GPA. Was rejected from UT law school, but miraculously got into HBS.</p>

<p>He had a higher GPA at Yale than John Kerry did at about the same time. The people who kept losing elections to him keep calling him stupid. What do you call the people who keep losing elections to someone who is stupid?</p>

<p>I don't know but I know what to call the people who keep voting for him.</p>

<p>Btw Gore didn't lose to him and Gore had a lower GPA than Bush if that means anything.</p>

I heard that grades are inflated so much at Stanford that only someone as stupid as George W. Bush can graduate from Stanford with a GPA lower than a 4.0.


<p>I don't know where you heard this from, but it's wrong. Stanford wouldn't be Stanford if it was that easy. It is as rigorous and challenging as it could be. But, the grading is in general more generous than other top schools of its caliber, such as MIT or CalTech.</p>