college junk mail - and the winner is....

<p>Illinois Institute of Technology sent me an ungodly amount of info. Kettering sends me the same stuff 2/3x. They also have called a lot despite me saying that I was not interested.</p>

<p>WashU and U of Evansville were tied for most outrageous numbers of mailings to our house. I see nothing wrong with one mailing, but I don't understand why they have to send so many more in addition.</p>

<p>Ditto, gladmom! One glossy brochure was enough to attract my D's attention to some schools. A piece of mail a week is an overkill.</p>

My S has been getting stuff since -- the seventh grade. Guess that's what happens if you take the SAT through Johns Hopkins University's program.


<p>Only if you check the box(es) that allow the colleges to contact you. S has taken the SAT twice (7th and 8th grades) and the PSAT once (9th grade) and has yet to receive even a single piece of mail from a college, including the one to which he got a number of one-course scholarships. (Those notifications came from the CTY office rather than Flagship U.)</p>

<p>Wash U....hands down. And it was EXPENSIVE junk mail...glossy brochures, catalogues, picture postcards...and a ton of it. DD had NO (and I mean NO) chance of getting accepted there...nada. She started getting it in ninth grade also.</p>

<p>And regarding "checking boxes"...DD started receiving tons of college mail in ninth grade. She had NEVER taken a standardized test..thus no boxes to mark. We have not ever figured out how her name and address were received by the many many colleges she received mail from. There was, however, a small typo on these in our we KNOW DD didn't do it (she KNOWS her address).'s not from just filling out a box on a form someplace. </p>

<p>We even asked the school if they had administered something there. Nope. It remains a mystery.</p>

<p>"Baldwin Wallace in VA. We continued to get glossy information, applications, letters, scholarship offers, emails, calls even after DD graduated and had indicated she was enrolling elsewhere."</p>

<p>Singersmom07 -- Baldwin-Wallace isn't located in Virginia. For that you are sentenced to another year of weekly junk mail deliveries, or until you acknowledge that B-W is the pride of Berea, Ohio -- whichever comes first.</p>

<p>Dayton. Emails at least twice a week, paper mail at least once a week. One time DS got a letter that started, "Thank you for your interest in Early Childhood Education at Dayton...." pretty funny for an Econ major. DS never responded to any mail or email, never expressed any interest in Dayton at all, let alone in learning how to teach preschool!</p>

<p>Providence had some sort of error where lots of people (DS included) who had applied and filled out a FAFSA had loans "approved" for them. Although DS was accepted at PC he never enrolled there and certainly never applied for a loan. Apparently it happened to a lot of people.</p>

<p>DD has never taken a standardized test (other than those required for state mandates in school), but we keep getting mailings from people who want to counsel her on getting into college or coach her for the SAT or charge us to find out how to finance college. Not sure how they all got her name, if I ever find out I'll have a little chat with whoever shared that info!</p>

<p>One particular school, Birmingham-Southern, in Alabama, deluged DS with mail. Now, BSU happens to be a Christian college. Too bad they didn't do their homework, and that DS isn't planning to convert.</p>

<p>Avila College (near Kansas City) has sent a lot to my daughter. And Tulane is quite heavy on the mail and email contact as well. BTW, my children are rising sophs!</p>

And regarding "checking boxes"...DD started receiving tons of college mail in ninth grade. She had NEVER taken a standardized test..thus no boxes to mark.


<p>thumper, my comment re: checking boxes was in response to the assertion that taking the SAT through JHU's CTY starts the college mail onslaught. Just wanted folks to know that it doesn't unless one lets it.</p>

<p>I can't believe no one on here has mentioned Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. They hounded my son with so much mail, I'm sure it was the equivalent of an entire tree.</p>

<p>hudsonvalley51 you're right it was Mary Baldwin :( My mistype.</p>

<p>And they kept sending stuff into July.</p>

<p>WUSTL definitely!!
they start sending my sis (we lived in INDONESIA..miles2 away!) since her last HS year. she even wont apply for that univ.
i forgot she purposely asked it or not.</p>

<p>Collegemom, RPI kept sending D e-mails non-stop so she put them on spamblocker. However, she did not get any paper spam from them.</p>

<p>Another vote for Wash U.
So that they can get you to apply and then turn you down.</p>

<p>Creighton U. in Nebraska sent me something like every week durring my app. process. I also recieved numerous emails from Willamette College offering me a near full tuition schalarship as long as I met some deadline. I never applied but I guess my school gave them my SAT scores because I went to one of their info sessions (my scores wern't even that good). And once I missed the deadline, they kept giving me extensions.</p>

<p>D1, who is a college freshman, got weekly emails from Ursinus (free app, no essay, quick decision, etc)</p>

<p>D2, HS junior, gets something from Carnegie Mellon, of all places, at least weekly.</p>

we lived in INDONESIA..miles2 away


<p>I LOVE the way you used an Indonesian spelling pattern to indicate "miles and miles." </p>

<p>/subject drift</p>

<p>WashU@StL was definitely the worst. University of New England was pretty bad too.</p>

<p>Almost applied to WashU based on the amount of mail they sent me, so I assumed they were interested. Thanks to CC, I saved $60 and didn't give them the pleasure of rejecting me.</p>

<p>The winner here has been the Arizona Universities! They just don't give up!</p>