<p>Long story short,I was born in the US ,schooled in India for 14 years,came back to USA because I had visa issues in India.Mom passed away long time ago so my uncles arent the BEST reliable sources after her death. I stay with my brother ,dad's in another country but he sends money(Which I despise because it makes me feel bad and concerned that he might end up getting bankrupt or something although he has money).
The concept of working part time jobs is new to me since I was raised in India.As for getting along with people I could care less. Atleast that doesn't bother me too much compared to what actually bothers me. I don't believe in the term "Friendship" too much because at one point or the other,everyone seperates and I've seen 'many' seperations so far(I left my home I was at for 13 years abruptly and it was traumatic for me to leave everyone behind.Not to mention that this happened right after I broke up with my girlfriend i was with for over 2 years.)
All that past aside,Im in college now , I have my ups and downs academically.I major in computer science I'm good at math and fairly good with logic and programming (I have a long way to go though im in second year undergrad).I want to see myself be someone in the future. I've been saving costs (not eating too much) because I work part time as a waiter which I only started very recently.Not sure how much I ll make yet.
Basically, there are some things that are stressing me and I'm not able to point a finger on them. Something tells me it's the college stress (assignments,tests coming every 2 weeks,pressure to work and make money etc.)
Can someone tell me how to overcome this stress?</p>
<p>[Additional</a> Stress Reduction and Prevention Resources - Stress Reduction and Management](<a href=“http://www.gulfbend.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=15688&cn=117]Additional”>http://www.gulfbend.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=15688&cn=117)</p>
<p>I don’t think you can overcome stress, but you can manage it. Stress is part of everyone’s life. From what you describe, you have had more than your share (mother’s death; living far from home; working plus being in college). And with no stable relationships (friends or family) to lean on, your stress has no natural relief. Is there a counseling center on campus? Someone you can talk to? Everyone goes through periods of life that are more stressful than others and I think you might find it helpful to spend an hour or so talking to someone who can help you manage the stress you experience.</p>
<p>Some simple ideas: get enough sleep (which is nearly impossible in college), get exercise, create and sustain friendships. All you need is one friend or someone you can share thoughts with.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>