College, life, my chances?

Hello I’m a junior in high school and I’m very worried about college and what I want to do in life. There is only 3 types of careers I seem to like, engineering, pre-pharmacy, and nursing. But idk if I’m ready, I never tried in high school until this year because I just didn’t have the guidance, my average gpa is a 3.0 throughout high school but 3.2 this yesr so far, including I got a 23 on the ACT, I would just like some help about college, what engineering would be suitable for me, could I make it in pharmacy or nursing? If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
Maybe a engineering major with not so much work load? But I can handle stress well.
I only take 1 AP and 1 college class for my senior year, including pre cal, if this helps.

What are you asking? “College, life, my chances?” Chances for what?
Engineering and nursing are almost antipodal majors which are among the hardest to get into. Have you done any research on either on of them?
To answer your question, engineering students take on heavy work loads. If you’re wondering which engineering discipline is for you, do some research on your own. I’ve heard people asking “should I do electrical or computer?” “Should I do civil or industrial?” But I’ve never heard of anyone just flat out asking “hey what kind of engineer should I be?”

Sorry to be so blunt. But you’re a junior and you have so many opportunities awaiting in your junior/senior year. If you really do love engineering, start taking hard classes like programming or calc, just to find out if that’s what you want to do in the future.

No engineering major is going to be easy. That’s lazy. We don’t know what engineering would be suitable for you, everyone has a different skill set. You might go into college thinking Civil Engineering is great and then find out you really love Electrical Engineering.

If you’re willing to put in the work, you can do pharmacy and nursing. But you can’t blame your results on your lack of guidance. You need to be willing to put in the work and kick it into high gear.

Try looking at UW-Platteville for engineering.

I just feel the classes I take in high school now isn’t gonna prepare enough me for college. You both are correct I need to kick it into gear and I will for sure. Of coarse it’s college nothing is gonna be easy, and I will not laziness affect me.
Also my question is, would I be prepared for these types of majors and pre’s?
What school is suitable for me?