I’m from Ky, pretty much the average student. 3.2 Gpa 23 ACT. College English Physics, and Pre Cal were my only rough classes. Nothing too special. Just curious as of what college you would suggest for me. And what major do you think is harder or harder to get in to. I was hoping if I went in nurse to go into a nurse practitioner. Both 6 years.
nursing maybe easier to get it because there are more nursing schools. but it is not easy to get into nursing school…it can be very competitive.
Nursing is a highly competitive, rigorous degree program with prerequisites. Are you a senior? I would suggest looking at the community college route as an entry point.
I am a senior yes!
Are you a Senior or Junior? See a post you made on 12/7/2015, where you said you were a Junior.
Given your stats, you will have great difficulties in a PharmD program, with higher level Chemistry and Biology courses. Are the Nursing programs in Kentucky highly competitive as it is in many States (California, New York, Florida, etc.)? I do think you should look at the Community College ASN route as suggested above. You can do a BSN bridge program after passing your NCLEX (RN) exam.
Pharmacy isn’t an undergraduate major, usually. In order to get a PharmD, you have to have 90 credits (or about three years) of undergraduate college, but most people get their BA first before they go to pharmacy school. Although it’d be a bit unusual, it’s possible for you to major in nursing and then get a PharmD after that.
I don’t think a 3.2 GPA and a 23 ACT means you will have “great difficulties” in a PharmD program. First of all, a 23 is an above-average score - in the 68th percentile - and a 3.2 is a B average. Secondly, there’s no evidence that your high school performance will affect how you do in graduate school. Some students really blossom in college.
Kentucky has some great public universities - University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Morehead State just for some. I suggest you start looking there! Morehead State has an imaging sciences bachelor’s degree program that leads to careers in the imaging sciences (tomography, radiography, sonography, nuclear medicine - basically using imaging techniques to assist in the diagnosis of conditions and diseases) as well as a pre-licensure nursing program and a biomedical chemistry major (useful for pre-pharm). Louisville has undergrad majors in dental hygiene, nursing, and public health. UK has nursing but also [a host of other health sciences majors](http://www.uky.edu/healthsciences/academic-programs/overview).