College of Busin&Economics

<p>hey...i heard Lehigh ranks 18th on Businessweek BUT, is it good indeed?... I know accounting seems to lead somehow...wot about the other economics? Should I choose one of these or should i go for engineering?</p>

<p>There is a thread on the cc site reagding a business school warning, due to no dean and loosing a beloved accounting professor. That said, however, it is a respected college of business and has a good location to attract New York Recruiters.</p>

<p>You should apply to the college where you think you will major. Are you aware that Lehigh has a 5 year program, IBE, which integrates Business and Engineering?</p>

<p>I'm going to Lehigh in the fall, class of 2010, studying IBE. IBE is a 4 year program, with all students in it majoring in a business, engineering, or language. You take business classes, engineering classes, classes from your major, one IBE class per semester, and just a few electives. After 4 years, you have a degree in IBE (acreditted business degree). If you go a fifth year, or maybe take summer classes, you can have another degree in your major. Also, the fifth year is tuition free if you finish the 4 years with a 3.75 (used to be 3.5, but they were awarding too many scholarships that way).</p>