<p>hello! this is sid and i am from india
i am a national player (shot put , discus , cricket ) and i also play basket ball , volley ball , badminton for my school!
I scored a gpa of 4/4 (10th grade) 4/4 (11th grade)
i was a leader in my school (4000 students)
i have taken part in many social activities etc
i would probaly score 750+ ( chemistry, math , physics subject test )
but i am a little scared about my english skills (sat reasoning ) my family's finacial status is bad . below 10000$ (annually) i have a strong teacher's recommdation .so guys what would be a resonable score on SAT (reasoning) and in which universities ( with finacial aid facility for international students ) do i have chances . Thank you for reading :)</p>
<p>Here are some links to help you on your search. You would need a high score around 2200+ to be competitive as an International student from India.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.universitylanguage.com/blog/20/need-blind-admissions/”>http://www.universitylanguage.com/blog/20/need-blind-admissions/</a>
<a href=“http://www.desperateguide.com/us/top-25-financial-aid-colleges-in-us-for-international-students-need-aware”>http://www.desperateguide.com/us/top-25-financial-aid-colleges-in-us-for-international-students-need-aware</a></p>
<p>@gumbymom Thanks for the link! i am not that confident of getting 2200+ .(1900+) is the score i expect but will it make sense if i would score 750+ in (math physics and chemistry ) subject test because i would be choosing engineering stream not literature . So what do you probabily think in which universities would i have a shot? (with 4 gpa , sports achivements , social work certificates , leadership certificates , strong teacher’s recommondation and a good essay ) ? Thanks for reading
<p>There are many schools to choose from but since you are International and require aid, you have to focus on the schools listed on the 2 links I sent you. What part of the country? Small/Large/Rural/Urban etc… You should check each schools website to see how your Stats compare or use the Supermatch feature on this website to narrow down some schools. I would suggest you check the International Threads on this website for more information.</p>
<p>if i score a 1800+ including my other merits will i have a shot in upenn …etc?</p>
<p>@ssssssssss - You need to do much better than 1800+ to have a shot at UPenn. You might have a chance with 2200 if the rest of your application is very strong. It may seem blunt, but based on your posts here, I haven’t seen evidence that your written English is strong enough to have much chance at these top schools. Ultimately, there will be many other international candidates with better scores, more impressive accomplishments, and near-flawless written English who will get accepted before you. If you were an ISEF finalist (or equivalent) I could see you being accepted on the chance you might be a future academic star.</p>
<p>I would highly recommend following Gumbymom’s links to find schools that are a better fit, so you don’t end up wasting your time applying to schools where you have no realistic chance of acceptance.</p>
<p>I asked you this question before on the Harvard forum and you did not answer: you state you are a national player. Are you competing in track and field in international competitions? If so, you should be talking to coaches at colleges that offer scholarships to athletes, or (in the case of the Ivies) will accept qualified athletes with strong academics, and provide them with need-based aid. If this is the case, you may have many options. I’m no expert on the procedure involved but there is an entire forum here (<a href=“Athletic Recruits - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/athletic-recruits/</a>) dedicated to athletic recruiting. </p>