College Study Abroad Scholarship Opportunity and My Story


I am an alumni of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship program. I went to Chung-Ang University in South Korea for the Spring 2022 semester and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Experiencing Korean culture through touring the cities, the nightlife, and the cultural differences really opened my eyes to how little I really knew about the intricacies of many foreign cultures. Most of this wouldn’t have been possible without the other exchange students that I had met while in the dorms. I had never thought that studying abroad would ever have been an option for me as I expected that the expenses would be out of my reach. This is when I discovered the Gilman Scholarship. They want to help undergraduate students, who are interested in studying abroad, realize that it is possible for them to afford the costs that studying abroad entails and encourage and guide them through the process of studying abroad. There are many resources and advisors that they provide in order for the whole process to be as comfortable as possible. Studying abroad is an incredible experience that I, and the Gilman Scholarship team, believe that anyone should be able to attain. If you have any questions about the scholarship or the study abroad, please feel free to ask.

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Here is a link to the program. Program Overview - Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

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