College Suggestions?

<p>I want to start looking for colleges in case i choose to do early admission at the end of my junior year (next year). Anyway, I am a hispanic female if that has to do with anything. I am in the top 10 percentile of my school but I am in a district of need. Thus far in my high school career I have a 97 overall average with an 85.5 average on my science and math regents. This year I will take a global regents (I've taken 3 practice tests and gotten between a 90 and 98) Which I will assume will give me about a 90, an english regents which I expect to get between a 85 and 92ish. My math and science regents will each be between an 85 and 90 (UGH Geometry and earth science -___-). So by graduation i expect to get an ADV honors regents diploma. I plan on scoring about a 15-1800 on SAT
I want to major In Childhood Education (grade 1-6) OR Adolescent Education with a Bio Concentration (science teacher). So I need suggestions for schools that:</p>

<p>~Offer both of these majors
~Are within 4 of NYC
~Are reasonable in price ( >25,000)
~ MAY have the 3+2 year Masters/bachelor Program
~has a high teacher passing rate
~and allows me to get experience through them.</p>

<p>The only school i have found that fit this criteria is SUNY Cortland. And i know more exist.. but I need to find some because at the moment i am in love with SUNY Cortland so i'm like in a bubble</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>