<p>So, I have a copy of the Official Study Guide for Math 1 & 2, published in 2006. I did a math 2 practice exam, but it seemed too easy. I got a 800 without much struggle, so I was wondering if those tests still reflect the difficulty of the tests nowadays? Or has the test gotten harder?</p>
<p>I've taken 2 exams from the Kaplan book and got 720 on both (probably could've done a bit better...)
I've practiced with Barron's too, but didn't do so well</p>
<p>Can you pm a scan of an official math 2 test with answers please. That being said kaplan and barrons are known to be harder then the actual tests and the test doesn’t change that much year from year so you should be fine</p>
<p>sorry, I don’t have a scanner… 
But you can probably find the book at a library or something. I got mine from my college counselor</p>
<p>I just checked through my D’s old practice stuff. She got a 730 on practice test 2, the first one she tried. Then later, after a few Barron’s practice tests she got a 790 on practice test 1. She went on to get a 790 on actual Math2 test but wasn’t happy with score so repeated it and managed 800 on 2nd try. So you are probably good to go if you find those tests easy.</p>
<p>I actually had the exact same question! I’ve been doing pretty good with CBs Official Math 1 and 2 Practice Tests but I’m worried. Anyone else who has taken the Math 2 test know if the CB Practice test is accurate with the actual test?</p>
<p>And then in the Math2 practice test in the CB SAT subject test book she also got 790. I’d say they are very accurate judging from my admittedly small sample size.</p>