Colleges requiring (or not) Covid vaccine for fall 2021 megathread

It is looking like, whether or not a college formally “requires” COVID-19 vaccination (typically with some way of getting exemption), students who attend classes on campus and/or live in campus housing are likely be put in one of two categories:

  1. Vaccinated, or
  2. Subject to additional restrictions such as frequent COVID-19 testing, quarantine if exposed, use of PPE (e.g. masks).

It will be interesting to see how schools handle a potential vaccine requirement for international students. Very challenging.

Also, in reading these statements, it’s curious that some appear to be only requiring vaccine for students - not faculty & staff. Strange.


Several have indicated that international students who have not been vaccinated with a US approved vaccine will be given the vaccine as they arrive on campus.


Just thinking about it as I read the article in The NY Times about China’s under performing vaccine. They do NOT yet have nor are they administering MRNA vaccines (astounding concept).

It will be a logistical, diplomatic & legal nightmare to accurately verify “who has what” at a point in time. Especially given we don’t know how long the protection lasts - which will differ based on product administered. SO many moving parts in this puzzle !

Some colleges have stated that they will be able to give vaccine to any student who was unable to get one otherwise. I.e. they are assuming that there will be plenty of vaccine by fall so that pharmacies, medical offices, and student health centers will have it in stock for use on demand.

I think this is something they’d need to negotiate with the unions. If faculty and staff are taking time off to voluntarily get the vaccine the colleges won’t need to require it anyway.

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Anybody know about Fordham?

The UNC system, including UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State, Appalachian State, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Asheville and others will NOT require vaccinations, but will encourage them. UNC system will not require vaccine for students returning for fall semester

The university system released the following statement:

"The University of North Carolina System remains committed to following guidance from public health officials and state law regarding vaccinations. No federal or state public health official has directed that COVID-19 vaccinations be mandated for students at institutions of higher education.

“The UNC System strongly recommends the vaccine for students but is not requiring it. We urge our students and all North Carolinians to be vaccinated at the earliest opportunity. Across the state, our 16 university campuses are performing a public service by helping to distribute vaccines to faculty, staff, students and members of the community. To date, campus clinics have administered more than 72,000 vaccinations, and they will continue to do so in the coming weeks and months. We want to ensure that students have free and convenient access to vaccinations so that they can return to the full college experience as soon as possible.”

Added several Atlanta schools to the list above:


CT public universities will NOT require vaccination.

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Princeton will require vaccines

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Lehigh will require vaccines for the fall.

The University has decided that a COVID vaccine will be required this fall for all Lehigh undergraduate and graduate students participating in on-campus programs and activities. This requirement will operate similarly to our existing requirements for other immunizations and will begin to be implemented for students living on campus this summer.

Our goal is to provide the richest and most engaging educational experience possible for all Lehigh students. As we have previously described, we are planning for undergraduate courses to be held in person in the fall, except for a small number of cases in which remote instruction will accommodate students who cannot be on campus because of visa issues or medical accommodations. Residence halls and Greek houses will be at normal capacity. We will also maintain separate housing for students who contract COVID and need to be isolated. We plan to have a robust set of club activities, sports competitions and arts performances with spectators and audiences.


The University of Denver will require vaccines.

We have made vaccination an urgent priority because we believe a fully vaccinated community is the best way to protect ourselves and each other. In addition, through widespread vaccination, DU can confidently loosen or remove restrictions that have impacted social and mental well-being. Community members can feel safer and more comfortable as we make an on-campus, vibrant return to “normal” in the fall term.

To realize this goal—and in accordance with the guidance of health care experts—the University of Denver will require all undergraduate and graduate students living, learning or working on campus to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before returning to campus for the fall 2021 term.


Wake Forest is requiring vaccines in the fall.


Fordham University requiring all students to be vaccinated and “strongly expecting” faculty and staff to be vaccinated.


Again, it’s just strange and makes no sense that it would be not required (unless otherwise medically indicated etc) for the very cohort vaccines are intended to protect … and for whom in-person classes have been prevented from happening over the past year.


George Washington University “will require students, faculty and staff who are in person this fall to be fully vaccinated prior to being on campus”.


Once vaccines are readily available to all, the risk of COVID-19 lottery becomes largely a voluntary risk one takes by not being vaccinated, as opposed to an involuntary risk that having densely packed indoor classes and dorms are/were before vaccines are readily available to all.

In other words, before vaccine, many colleges did not want to force students to take involuntary risks of COVID-19 lottery (or involuntarily risk becoming vectors to family and friends), but with vaccines readily available, some of those colleges may be saying that the choice of playing COVID-19 lottery is now at the individual student’s discretion. Those making the decision to require vaccines may additionally be concerned about trying to protect those medically unable to get the vaccines.

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You are missing my point which is that it should also be “required” for faculty and staff, if for students.