COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

A major GE practice here also uses CO2. The gas gets absorbed… so no post-procedure sound effects. :laughing:


Yes, the term he used was tortuous.

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So happy—both the endoscopy AND colonoscopy were fine! No need for another colonoscopy until my last one in 10 years and no need for another endoscopy! I’m very very happy!


Happy for you, HImom!! :tada:

I’m supposed to have a colonoscopy in August. I haven’t made the appointment yet because . . . I don’t wanna!! I will, I will. I just want to enjoy the summer before I put that on my calendar.

Unlike most of you, I’m on the five-year plan, and it pisses me off.

That’s all. No response necessary.

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I am still not doing a colonoscopy. I cannot do the prep. I do Cologard and in between, FIT, and have read that these are as effective as the colonoscopy.

So many of you are lucky. I’m on the frequent flyer plan at my colonoscopy clinic thanks to a tendency to grow many precancerous polyps. No cancer yet (thank God); but everytime I go I have more removed and they always come back precancerous. I had one colonoscopy done in April with nine polyps, another last week with three. Now the doc is saying I can wait 6 months until the next one so that will be just after Christmas. I’m getting very tired of colonoscopies.

So sorry for those who need frequent colonoscopies but my understanding is that colon cancer (& it’s treatment) is really dreadful and to be avoided at all costs.


HImom - I couldn’t agree more! I’ve mentioned before - colonoscopy prep is nothing compared to six months of chemo and major surgery!

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Plus advanced colon cancer can be quite deadly — nasty thing — definitely something I hope I and all my loved ones avoid. A few days of discomfort is much easier to tolerate than the stuff I see folks enduring with cancers.


From Recommendation: Colorectal Cancer: Screening | United States Preventive Services Taskforce

But note that a positive finding from FIT or sDNA-FIT (Cologuard) means a follow-up colonoscopy.

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I decided to do a colonoscopy as a baseline and if all was good, do Cologuard. But I had a few small polyps and need to go back in 7 years. But I think I might spring for the expensive pills next time!

Ask the doctor for a coupon. I did the pills, but they said they’d call in a coupon to the pharmacy. Mine were only $65 I think. And I pay 100% for prescriptions until I hit my $5000 deductible.

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My GI said he doesn’t think the pills do as good a job with the prep. I had 1 packet of miralax 2 nights before and then 2 liters of prep with a quart of water the night before. I had my procedure at 8 in the morning.

This was much better than 1 gallon of prep we had a decade ago the night before our procedures.

What are the expensive pills?

I diluted Miralex X100 and had 1/4 tsp. and reacted to it.


I just had my most recent colonoscopy this morning. At one point I said to my wife that if colon cancer killed you quickly I might prefer death. However, it doesn’t. I would prefer to die some other quicker and more pleasant (or less unpleasant) way. Colonoscopies are worth it to avoid colon cancer, particularly since a colonoscopy is not just to detect colon cancer, it also can prevent colon cancer by removing polyps before they have a chance to turn into cancer, and because colon cancer is not a good way to die.

So I ended up with essentially almost exactly 24 hours of discomfort. I started the prep at 4pm yesterday. Due to an early appointment I needed to basically spend the night in the bathroom, and then arrive at the appointment with 2 hours of sleep. After the colonoscopy I was full of gas to a seriously uncomfortable level. After a nap and some food and appropriate medication I just woke up at 4pm and am feeling fine.

It is time to go pick some blueberries (which I have not been able to eat for five days in preparation for the colonoscopy). I have ten large plants that I have been growing for 26 years and this is the first year that I have finally been able to defeat the chipmunks and birds. I have wondered to what extent Sergeant Bob (a bobcat that just moved into the neighborhood) is the reason for my success this year.

And the colonoscopy was completely clean. Yeah!


I had mine about a month ago. My prep was ducolax early and then miralax mixed with water in two rounds one hour apart. I followed the directions and bought exactly what they said. Their picture was for smart water so I bought and used that for my miralax. I did not feel nauseous and I am thinking that the smart water with its electrolytes might have been helpful. So suggesting for those who have this prep to not use regular water but smart water instead.


My prep was miralax in small amount of liquid 2 nights before and then MoviPrep the early evening before. I just used plain water and was fine. I didn’t buy or consume any special foods or beverages.

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Just finished the low fiber diet portion of the program, and about to go clear liquids only in preparation for the procedure tomorrow in the early afternoon. Split dosage tonight and again tomorrow morning. Not gonna lie; I am kind of stressed about it, but appreciate all the info from others on this thread!


The worst part is the fasting. The rest really isn’t all that bad. You’ll be in good hands tomorrow. Good luck!

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