COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

I wish Jello made cherry gelatin in a clear color. Lime is probably my least favorite.

You can get tasteless gelatin and add your own flavor.

Ensure has a clear protein drink that fills you up, though only the peach flavor is approved for the day before (when you can’t have any red liquid).


I think part of the baby wipe issue is since you’ll be wiping your butt so much, it is less irritating than tissue paper. It doesn’t matter so much how it feels, but you want to do everything you can to avoid hemorrhoids. My best advice is to go into the procedure with no hemorrhoids, because little ones might turn into large ones after the prep. I had painful ones for a month, like I’d never suffered with this issue before. I could barely sit down, and sometimes the person sitting next to me would notice this expression of pain on my face, but I wasn’t going to explain.

Too much information? Well, this is the colonoscopy thread!

The clear peach-flavored Ensure is not delicious, but I didn’t expect it to be. I am hoping that the 8 grams of protein per bottle will help with staving off hunger pains for the next 30 hours.

As the Crohnie here, I couldn’t get through a day without Cottonelle wipes. I use them every time, not just during prep. Also, as a Crohnie, my typical activity is “every time I eat, I go”. With colonoscopy prep, it is pure liquid, and is clear as whatever I drank it down with within an hour or two of drinking and burns- like pure bile salts so the wipes are essential. I also use Preparation H when I’m doing colonoscopy prep because hemorrhoids are a constant issue also.

When I had my surgery, my doc made me do the Half Lytely prep (similar to Go Lytely, but half as much in volume, which was still a ton) and he said that for surgical purposes, the “cleanse” was not just matter but also bacteria and the large volume preps were the only ones shown to do that well in research. He apologized for it.

I am sorry about your suffering, @2016BarnardMom. Crohns disease really sucks!

I had my first screening colonoscopy today. My colon looked fine so I am thrilled to say that I don’t have to return for 10 years!

Welcome to the post- first - colonoscopy club!!!

If any of you have friends, or family members, who are hesitant to get a colonoscopy, you might want to suggest that they do a FOBT screening. Sometimes, ‘baby steps’ are a good start.

I am getting my colonoscopy done tomorrow at 11. I did the prep today by using Moviprep. I started at 4:30 and had my second (last) batch at 7:30. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. I was clear after the first batch. I also didn’t have to sit in the bathroom for long. The drink tasted like salty lemonade. I did what Pizzagirl did, I just drank it as fast as I could have. After I finished each dosage I would have a teaspoon of honey, followed by a lot of water.

I thought I would be really hungry, but with all that liquid and sugar I fell fine. I am going to wait for another hour or so before I go to bed. I hope it goes well tomorrow. I live in NYC, so I will just get myself there and have D2 pick me up when I wake up.

I had a colonoscopy last year and the prep was awful. I was so hungry and my siblings kept on eating around me :(. After all of the solid matter passed I basically started to dry heave from my rear end. Since I still see a pediatric GI doctor, I was completely out. After the procedure I still had a lot of urgency and mom had to find a restroom twice on the way home!

My third colonoscopy is tomorrow at 3 pm. I had two in 2012 - one was a three-month followup to make sure the doctor got all of the polyp he’d found. Not my favorite thing to do, but it sure beats dying young! :slight_smile:

My doctor found 2 small polyps. He said they were benign, but I wasn’t as clean as I could have been (I did everything I was supposed to), so he wanted me to do another one in 2 years. I was so out of it when he told me that I called him back this afternoon to make sure he didn’t see anything more worrisome. He re-assured me over the phone that he didn’t see anything other than those 2 very small polyps. I really didn’t mind the prep that much. I think I got myself more worked up than necessary.

The last thing I remembered saying right before they put me under was “My throat feels funny.” Next thing I knew I was awake and it was done.

Glad it’s done for you Oldfort and better to be safe than sorry !

I have never heard of a 3 month follow up, nor a 2 year schedule to make sure the doc got everything. When my doc found polyps (2 or 3?) I remember him telling me it takes 7 years for a polyp to turn into cancer so I should have my next procedure in 7 years. Turns out the general practice is 5 years when polyps are found, so I am on a 5 year schedule.

Also, instructions here required the patient be accompanied by a driver who must be there when the procedure starts and stay the entire time. None of this, drop off and pick you up when done stuff here! LOL

Just because you haven’t heard of this, doesn’t mean that circumstances don’t occasionally dictate it.

Yes, this is facility specific policy. At my facility, it is perfectly permissible for the driver to drop you off and return to get you. And why wouldn’t that be okay? Well, as the nurse, I’ve seen this backfire, at least on US, when the driver thinks it’s perfectly fine to leave the patient with us all day long, with plans to come back after they get off at 5 or 6. The problem with that plan is that we typically are finished by 3:30. That can really be inconsiderate of our time, expecting us to hang around in an empty facility two extra hours for ONE patient’s ride. It’s infuriating, really, but so far, our facility policies haven’t changed.

I dropped my husband off for a colonoscopy and endoscopy (I had a class and we scheduled it to tie in with my class). Wasn’t gone that long, but got back just after he found out they found a tumor (turned out to be stage 3 esophageal cancer - low survival rate but he is one of the lucky ones and just passed his 4 year survivor date). I felt so awful that I wasn’t there with him. We tend to assume it is just all routine, but sometimes it’s not. No more dropping off for me!

As far as polyps, I was also told 5 year checkup as they found one.

I purposely chose a doctor that used a local surgicenter with transportation. They charged $17 for both ways, plus tip. Two nice elderly men did the driving.

Swimcatsmom, I’m glad things worked out OK for your hubby. The doctor could have waited for you to arrive and then share the bad news. Even so, you were with your hubby the rest of the day and past years.

Old fort, glad you are done. It seems so many of us got the 5 year renewal, we will be back in late 2020, discussing the new preps. I really wasn’t thrilled with that sweet lemon MoviPrep.