Colorado college chances

Please help me out with some feedback . I know this kind of threads get some hate , but it would help me to get a little bit distressed if I would know my chances better . Some of you who got in Colorado college know better what my chances would be .


White Male (from Romania) , income <22k / year
Intended Major : Geophysics or Astrophysics or Planetary Science (even physics or geology would work … )
GPA ; High school doesn’t have , but I got 9.5/10 as average for 9th,10th and 11th years .
School doesn’t rank , but I’m in the first 5 or 6 from 59 (it is a small but selective high school)
SAT : 1450 (will retake it in december) with 800 on math and 650 on ebrw , and 6/4/6 at essay
SAT II’s : Math II (800) , Physics (800)
No ap’s or honor classes since we do not have such things , but did 2 years of Calculus and physics at level similiar to that of AP pysics 1 and 2
Toefl ibt : 111 /120 (30 Reading , 28 Listening , 24 Speaking , 29 Writing )
My class is very competitive . I have class mates who participate at national olympics at physics , mathematics , literature , and religion .

EC’s :

Not too much volunteering . I have just helped at the construction of a church , a park , and helped at an eldery asylum .
I did swimming for about 2 years , not for competitions .
Participated in two internships in Netherlands .
National olympic at gegraphy for 3 years in a row (hoping for the fourth) . This year I got on the second place . In 2016 and 2017 I have qualifid for the eliminatory phases for the international geography olympiad .
This year I have been admitted in an excellente group for mathematics where I do undergrad level mathematics (diff. equations , multivariable calculus , advanced linear algebra , group and sets theory etc…).
I was in the curch’s orchestra (mandolin) for 2 years (I quit because I wanted more time for learning).

There are not many opportunities for clubs in my city . I was called by an astronomy club and an athletics club but I do not have enough time for them since I am learning 6-8 hours daily at physics , mathematics , georaphy and geophysics at college level (from books like those of Apostol , Irodov , Feynman etc).

Colorado College does have a very competitive acceptance rate (I think it’s down to only 15% now), so there’s no way to really know whether or not someone would be accepted based on their numbers and portfolio. Also, I think they still look at applicants holistically, so it’s not just based on a single grade point average or test score. Our S will be graduating from Colorado College this May and he thinks very highly of the college and its programs. The block plan moves fast and is quite challenging, he says, but it is manageable. My advice would be to stay in touch with your admissions representative and to submit very strong application essays. Students don’t always realize it, but colleges and universities do take time to read these essays and take them into account. If you have two or three other places you love as well as Colorado, that would be good. But keep your confidence high and stay in touch with your college rep! Good, good luck!

I agree with lovesoldbooks. At this point, the applicant pool is of such high quality that it is hard to differentiate based upon numbers. Furthermore, most students here get recommendations which are superior augmented by steroids. So the one manner in which an applicant can distinguish themselves is through their essay. The essay night be a throwaway at other colleges, but at CC it is the only way to learn the essence of the student.