Colorado College ED class of 2020

Financial Aid information should be released to the FA Base Camp by this evening. CC does have merit aid, but the vast majority of aid is need based.


@KoloradoKid just logged in and it looks like they’re activating 2016-17 FA base camp tomorrow evening after the EA notification

would it be a good thing or a bad thing (or not a thing at all) if I can suddenly log into the FA base camp now but don’t have any tabs but the documents one? I’m EA… I’m definitely overanalyzing this but is anyone else’s open or closed or something else?

@mermaid29 I can also log into the FA base camp with that tab only, although I am already accepted ED

Good luck to the EA’s today, I hope to see some happy faces around hahah

@mermaid29 How did you log in?

@crockmom it’s CC main site -> admissions and aid -> financial aid -> “financial aid base camp” link on the far right!

Where did you get your student ID though?

@missinquisitive mine actually came through two weeks ago in an email from the director of financial aid because they were missing one of my documents… did you ever get a financial aid confirmation email?

No :frowning: I guess I’ll just have to wait an hour and a half. Sigh.

actually I got a confirmation email but there’s no ID number in it

@missinquisitive just checked and my ID wasn’t in the confirmation email, only the missing documents one. I know admissions and financial aid operate independently so it may not mean anything about a decision either way. maybe you’ll get it (knocks wood) once you get in?

ah gotcha, ok thanks

good luck!!!

it’s up–I’m deferred

ouch–rejected. their loss :stuck_out_tongue:

I was deferred too!

@AnneKatherine it’s annoying but it’s still a chance :slight_smile: do you know how many they actually defer and then take? I’m trying to find some numbers and coming up short

@mermaid29 In my deferral letter it said that you’ll get a form emailed to you in late January. If you don’t fill out the form, your application won’t be considered RD. Of the applicnts who filled out the additional paperwork, about 20% were admitted last year. However, many of these applicants were only offered a gap year/winter admissions/fall away.