Colorado College student body?

<p>I"m go to a prep school on the East Coast, and I really want to get away from the whole New England, judgmental, preppy thing. The majority of students at CC are from the Northeast, so is the general vibe similar to that of a New England LAC?</p>

<p>More CC freshmen come from Colorado, California, or Illinois than from any of the East Coast states. About as many come from Texas , Minnesota or Washington state as from NY or Massachusetts. ~28%, not a majority, come from the entire NE.
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<p>If you’re concerned about the atmosphere, try to get out for a visit. </p>

<p>I think it’s a certain type of person who chooses a Colorado College and I would think regardless of where u come from if your into this school u aren’t a judgmental person. My son is from an affluent area in the east coast, but a very laid back, earthy person and he will be attending in the fall. He too hopes to get away from a certain type, then again u will find all kinds of people everywhere.</p>