Colorado College vs. Colgate University

I’m deciding between Colorado College and Colgate and it’s super tough. I’m hesitant about how “crunchy” Colorado College is. But, I know that I may be overwhelmed by the preppiness at Colgate. I think I can handle the block plan at CC or the traditional liberal arts structure at Colgate. Please give your advice!

Full Disclosure: I am going to CC next year.

That said, I have made visits to both of those, plus Wesleyan, Hamilton, and Bowdoin. I would say that the crunchy part might be a bit overhyped when people talk about CC. It isn’t that crunchy, at least not any more. I would say more down to Earth or ‘real’. My aunt - a Hamilton grad - agrees with that assessment. CC is also completely devoid of the passive aggressive nonsense typical of the northeastern liberal arts schools.

What are you most interested in studying, and what do you see yourself involved in extracurricularly? Any financial differences regarding cost of attendance?

Hi there, You have probably made your decision already - but I wanted to let you know that CC was amazing!! I am biased since I graduated this year…but if you are intrigued by the block plan, enjoy mountains, and want to be close with faculty, I would choose CC. Yes - there are crunchy folk. And yes - CC has some preppy folk too! But I would say there’s no stigma to conform to any sort of stereotype - lots of freedom to just be whoever you are…Where did you choose?