Colorado College - what do kids do on breaks between blocks?

Hi all, My child plans to apply early action to Colorado College and possibly change to ED2 if not accepted to first choice school. Child is not a partier (at least not yet) so I’m concerned about rumors about drugs/drinking during breaks between the blocks. Seems like there would be plenty of other activities - my kid loves the outdoors, hiking etc. Could anyone confirm there are a like minded cohort and child won’t feel pressured or left out? Thanks!

Your child will find their group. Sure, some kids engage in partying during block breaks but that is found at almost any college. There will be students like your child although high school behavior around partying doesn’t predict college behavior (again true for most colleges).

Some kids stay on campus and relax, watch netflix, sleep, hang with friends. Many do get off campus and exploring the outdoors is a very common use of block breaks. Hiking, skiing, rock climbing, biking, etc.

There are LOTS of outdoor activities even just in Colorado Springs and there are many students who are interested in such activities so your child should be able to identify such like-minded students to hang out.

My daughter is a sophomore now and only a couple of her friends are what I’d call partiers. For block breaks, she has gone on camping trips with the Outdoors Club, gone on Breck snowboarding weekends with her friends (one of whose parents owns a condo there), gone to Denver for a shopping extravaganza when spring hit, come home, and vegged out on campus.