Colorado School of Mines Admission for Fall 2023

Waiting here as well. Mines is my son’s top choice but a bit of a stretch for his stats. Im crossing my fingers for all of us!

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I wonder if they will stick with the Friday announcements or if it could be sooner? I hate the waiting!


One of my kids has Mines as his top choice - his stats are middle of the road for the school, but I’m more worried about him getting in and getting little financial aid/merit… :grimacing:

Applied October 25th, no word yet.


Waiting in CA as well. Target-Reach… 4.3, 1440, Band student.

My OOS daughter just got accepted! email came 2 hours ago.


Congrats…that must feel great! Do you know what day she applied?


She submitted application on 10/28, and the email that says her file was complete is dated 10/29.


We haven’t heard anything yet, but today me, my kid and wife all got an email from the office of admissions… open it up, and it’s about their football program… lol


Ugh, same. I’m starting to think they lost his application. I’m tempted to call…

They said they would notify by the 21st… i’m taking it as my kid is right in the middle, not an outright rejection or waitlist, nor an automatic acceptance, but close… :slight_smile:

My kid got into Virginia Tech though, so we need to let Colorado School of Mines know that he’s going to withdraw, but since it’s so close, I just kind of want to know now.


That’s what I’ve been thinking, he has a shot. I feel like if they were going to reject him outright it may have already happened? Who knows?!

Congrats on VT!


The waiting is making me crazy. We are in state, my son’s high school counselor said she can never tell year from year who will get into Mines. Said they do things their own way. :woman_shrugging:

Fingers crossed for everyone!

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Mines is very busy trying to win a national championship this weekend. If they win maybe they’ll be so happy they’ll just let everyone in.

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I think they are working through chronologically. The last person I heard that was admitted applied on 10.28 and confirmed compete on 10.29. I know people who applies on 11.01 and were confirmed complete on 11.08 so clearly they received a ton of applications in the last couple of days before the deadline. Hang in there!

OOS (Texas) Son, 1300 SAT, 3.76/4.00 GPA, Varsity Sports, Extracurriculars and Engineering Internships accepted early December. $12K scholarship. Might not be enough. Will visit Mines in January. Also offered admission at UT Dallas ME and Texas Tech ME and Rose-Hulman. Waiting for UT Austin, Texas A&M, Purdue and Va Tech as well as (long shots) RPI and Ga Tech. Mines is my first choice, but decision will be his as long as w3 can make the money work.


Congrats! It’s nice to be in and have more options. Do you know the date he applied to Mines?

Applied 9/22, offered admission 11/30. Scholarship money went up from admission letter to financial aid letter by $4K.


Sounds like no one was notified yesterday? Does that mean the Friday pattern has changed to Monday?

Any chance you rememeber how long between admittance and financial aid letter?

They’re running out of days. My kid submitted his app in early September, so if he’s rejected at this point it just feels mean. :frowning: Fortunately he has lots of other great choices now.

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