<p>I was wondering if people have heard back about interviews for the graduate neuroscience programs at Columbia and Johns Hopkins. I've gotten interviews so far at 6 schools: WashU, UChicago, Weill Cornell, UCLA, UPenn, and Watson School of Biological Sciences at Cold Spring Harbor. Now I'm just waiting to hear back and am wondering if I shouldn't keep my hopes up. I just heard back from UCLA today and CSHL last week.</p>
<p>You can type in your desired fields into the text box and it will show you recent updates. I did neuroscience + johns hopkins and I found some entries, though only one recent one.</p>
<p>When did you hear about Weill Cornell and Wash U? Even though I had some problems with one of my letter writers, Wash U had a complete application the first of any of mine (Dec. 15th - confirmed from office) and still nothing from them. I am getting anxious, but I know that some here haven’t heard from UPenn-BGS yet, and I got an interview offer two weeks ago, so I guess just gotta wait.</p>
<p>Perhaps with Wash U, but they have interview dates for March 20th for my program (DBBS - Cell and Molecular Biology), so I can’t imagine one needing two months notification for an interview. But who knows…</p>