<p>apples three year warranty and service program discount got taken down YESTERDAY (im ****ed i was gonna buy the mac TODAY and when i went on to check the discount had been taken away). does anyone know if there is another one in the offing? or was that it, and we are stuck with just the normal discounts that any college student gets?</p>
<p>also what are your feelings on mac vs pc? or linux if you are one of those people....</p>
<p>is it not available on the apple site?</p>
<p>they will most likely bring the discount back in early to mid august. at least that's what they've done for the past few years. (microsoft is doing the same thing with theultimatesteal</p>
<p>linux, personally, is great but unless you are going to be a cs major, the normal person has no need for it. throw in the fact that linux on a laptop is shaky at best, worthless at worst, stick with mac or pc if you're doing a laptop</p>
<p>also, if you want the mac vs. pc debate do a search. it might be listed in the helpful threads post too, dont remember.</p>