Columbia Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

No but I applied ed (I was deferred). So idk if it disappeared during ed and it stayed like that (I didn’t check my aid portal until now)

Mine still has the documents and messages button. It means nothing though.

i don’t know if this is helpful at all, but i did not get a likely. i am not an international student either, and i do still have the documents & messages tab. mine still hasn’t disappeared so i’m taking that as a decent sign!

Does anyone know if being an international student beneficiates you in the admission process?

International is a disadvantage

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I agree with @skieurope, for I’m an international student myself. Being international is a disadvantage especially when it comes to the matter of applying for financial aid. Fortunately, I’m not expecting a need for financial aid; however, as an Asian student from South Korea, I’m expecting my application to have faced (or face) a number of “international Asian problems” in the admission process.

I do, however, think that being international may attract the admissions officers in that the status may contribute to the diversity of the population (which is my hope); nonetheless, I think it is very unlikely and rare a case.

But remember: it is your essence that matters! As long as you’re the exceptional person that they’re looking for, you will make it :smiley:

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Hey Guys! To anyone still worried about the tab disappearing… I did some digging. I found a Columbia thread from 2010. Someone in there said they have a likely and can’t access the documents tab and there were other suggestions there too. Hoping this will help calm some anxiety!
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My documents and messages tab is still there…

I think that, as they are revising applications, maybe your tab being gone means that yours has already been reviewed. Just a thought.

mine is gone as well lmao… is there a general consensus as to whether this means anything or nah

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i am trying to call them rn bcs i have nothing to lose lol. two different numbers on their website, each one said this isnt the right one and forwarded me to a number that was also wrong. <3

I sent them a email yesterday and they replied saying this: “Please be advised that the system is currently down for all students”.

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nice ty LOL i wonder what that means in terms of admissions

IDK, they also said to submit some documents that were missing.

sorry to be annoying but is there any consensus as to what the documents page in the financial aid portal means?

All that we know, according to the email to @spanishgirl2345, is that the financial aid system is down for all students. So, the button disappearing in the finaid portal may be due to that. Nevertheless, we’ll all receive the final decision in about 80 hours.

Wonder why mine is still there. Did they just forget about me lmao

Don’t worry, my financial aid portal is still working too with the documents and messages tab.

I think that tab is working for some international applicants. Are you one?

I just got an email from my school that I “Topped in World” in Cambridge A Level Mathematics. I know that decisions have been finalised. What should I do?

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