Columbia Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Updated how? What new information was added?

Updated as new information was added yes. A new item on my checklist was added and it says that it was updated 3/3.
Edit: To clarify, I submitted my FA application early February and it said received on my portal. However, I guess they analyzed? my documents today and waived something for me.

Does everyone’s portal look freaky?


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It looks different with the addresses at the bottom. I could be wrong bc I have a lot of portals to look at from the different schools. Columbia’s looks like it’s been updated though.

was it not already like this?

I dunno. That’s why I’m asking if it looks like it’s been updated. It looks different to me.

I haven’t checked this portal that often so it could’ve changed

Which portal do you check the most?

It does look different. I don’t recall seeing the name of the school, ie Columbia Engineering, the last time I checked the portal.

I know, right? Looks freaky.

also I don’t remember there was a Columbia ID.

Yeah, I’m seeing a Columbia ID and two addresses at the bottom.

i just look at the portals for schools that I’ll actually get into lol

Same. Just kidding! I look at every portal every ten minutes or so.

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Same here. Got Columbia Engineering now. Any clue what is means

I’m not applying to Engineering but my portal looks pretty much identical, I think. They’re probably just reviewing applications, I don’t think there’s anything to get excited about bc decisions come out in more than a month lol

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No, just that our applications are moving along thru the process. Regardless of whether they’ve make the decision already or not, we have to wait until April to find out the decision.

Does anyone know whether it’s possible to walk around campus and do an “unofficial” tour?

Yes, you can!

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