Columbia Class of 2027 Official Thread

Also thank you for your kindness with your thoughtful response.

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when you say “interview” - was it with admissions or alumni? My child was offered and accepted an alumni interview but I expected that to have been offered to everyone.

Congrats on the Columbia / Science Po acceptance. An amazing opportunity. Unfortunately our daughter was rejected yesterday from the Columbia/ Trinity program.
Make sure your son attends the special admit day. We have heard great things about these dual Columbia programs.

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Thanks Pete! Much appreciated.

Their special programs are tough for sure. I’m wishing your daughter the best of luck with the rest of her applications.


Deleted… Found my answer.

Hey, can someone tell me when does Columbia tell you about fin aid, or where can I find that? Thank you very much! I’m an John Jay Scholar, if that info. is useful.

Waitlisted. Disappointed, as this was her very top choice, but other great options available to her, so she isn’t devastated (and will do the loci for Columbia in the meantime). This is the last one for her. Whew! Stats can be found in the AU RD or Yale EA Class of 2027 threads.

Congrats to all who were admitted!

(Oh, also, she and both parents did receive an email on March 10–the day after the first likely letters went out, which she didn’t get–asking to complete a missing document for financial aid.)

Daughter got in

• Wt GPA : 4.75 ,
• ACT = 36
• Aps : around 14-15 APs ( mostly 5’s & few 4),
• Dual enrollments & few community college courses
• Strong ECs & Leaderships ( multiple)
• National Merit Scholarship ( Finalist)
• Excellent essays & LOR
• Multiple awards at State & couple of high rankings at National level for one of her EC
• Published research paper & presented the same at a conference


accepted, waiting to hear aid. probably not going but very grateful for the opportunity. CS major btw.

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What is the chance to get off wait list?


4.0 UW, 1540 SAT, 11 APs, 3 post-AP math courses
AIME + prestigious music ECs/awards
Strong LoRs, essays and interview
Accepted: Princeton, Berkeley, Tufts, Boston College, UCSB (with Regents)
Waitlisted: UPenn, Barnard, Harvard, NYU, UCSD, UCI, BU, Wellesley
Rejected: USC, UCLA, Northeastern


Rejected. 35 ACT/3.93 uw GPA (no B’s). Good but not exceptional EC’s including research, sports, leading clubs, accomplished martial artist, volunteering, part of a really cool club making planes.
Private college results are disappointing: applied to 14, 7 rejections, 3 acceptances (BU, WPI, RIT), 3 waitlists, 1 pending.
Luckily got into engineering at great public universities: UIUC, Purdue, Georgia Tech, and UC Berkeley today, plus UCLA last week.
Congrats to students who got in!

Hi! Can someone tell me when does Columbia tell you about financial aid, or where can I find that? Thank you very much! I’m an international John Jay Scholar, if that info. is useful. Thanks again!

Why won’t you go?

got into all seven of the ivies i applied to. columbia’s aid is not looking too good rn though

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the fin aid is already out?

I’m worried about finances. Also, I’m a computer science major so it might not be useful to pay for an ivy.

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@pryst - can you share your stats if you don’t mind

daughter waitlisted, ACT35, WGPA 4.5, 12AP, 4-year swimming team, 4-year debate team, CS major, college CS summer research experience, community volunteer, CS tutor job. How many applicants are waitlisted every year?

4.0 unweighted GPA
4.7 weighted GPA
7 APs by the end of senior year
13 honors/dual enrollment classes

my school is pretty uncompetitive and I maxed out all the challenging courses. Even had to do online programs just so that I can do AP classes. Definitely showed admissions officers that I not only took the most rigorous courses available, I also went above and beyond to challenge myself and take even harder classes.

family responsibilities
writing clubs
writing programs–did about five or so in total including kenyon review, iowa, and ellipsis
a stem convention that I will not name bc it’s doxxable
a summer program I will not name bc it’s doxxable–about eight percent acceptance rate
student ambassadors–a school club
HOSA–school club

I’m going to be vague to avoid being doxxed
national poetry award
regional writing awards
horatio alger scholar
stem convention scholar
excel MOS championships–first in state

I also had a bunch of college board awards such as ap scholar with distinction, national commended, etc. but didn’t put any of them because they’re pretty much useless. they’re like resume fillers at this point. literally everyone has them so having ap scholar with distinction is not going to make you stand out. if you have any other awards I highly suggest putting those instead. plus colleges can see your courses; they’re going to know if you got ap scholar so it’s redundant and taking away space for other things.

Personally I hated them and didn’t think they were the best I could do but that might just be because I’m a writer and have high standards for myself. Objectively they’re fine supplements and get the point across

I was accepted to 17/20 schools, reaches, including all seven ivies other than Dartmouth, which I didn’t apply to; Swarthmore, Bowdoin, and Johns Hopkins. I was rejected from Stanford and USC and waitlisted at Colgate–all of which are predictable because I spent about twenty minutes maximum on each of those applications. I don’t plan on going to cali schools and I suppose that disinterest came through in my supplements–which really shows you how important essays are. As for Colgate, they care a lot about demonstrated interest and I literally didn’t even add them to my fafsa

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