Columbia Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes! got two of these!!!

That is interesting. LOL

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I got none. Potential bad sign?

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didn’t get one

My daughter received a likely letter just over a week ago. She is over the moon! Her daddy and I are proud, but scared for her. We are from outside of a very small town in Texas. NYC would be a HUGE change. She is also being considered for a full ride scholarship at SMU which would be just two hours from home. Columbia is her dream school though. She wants to work in publishing and be an author as well.


My daughter got one and is rural and we are low income.

Our financial aid document list is suddenly completely gone
anyone else have that? Hopefully not a bad sign?

Same here. Do you have the message at the bottom saying Please forward any missing tax-related documentation directly to Columbia via the IDOC service. You may either upload documents electronically or mail to IDOC. If you mail hard copies to IDOC, print a cover sheet by logging into the IDOC service at

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Hopefully it’s a good sign or at least not a bad sign :joy::sweat_smile: also looking at other posts seems like they’ve had issues recently with people not being able to access fin aid temporarily so maybe it’s just an error

That’s odd. Our list is still there, a total of 16 items. But the date on FAFSA changed to today’s date - 3/21. Weird.


Hopefully they’re just updating stuff? Maybe it will pop back up later? We also had a bunch of documents
it’s just an empty space now which must be some sort of error

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That sounds promising for you guys!

For what it’s worth, my list was 16 items before it’s gone- true for everyone?

I wish I’d been noting the documents lists but I haven’t :sweat_smile:
Just had two documents on Upenn updated to today’s date, pretty sure they were already there and just have a new date, but honestly they could be newly added, I just don’t remember. I don’t want to put too much hope in financial aid documents as a sign of stuff because my son was rejected from one that had so many documents listed!
Though I too hope updates to fin aid right now is good for everyone!

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That’s absolutely correct. Financial aid updates don’t mean anything, at least for the most part./

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I wasn’t able to view my aid portal too and today, my checklist goes poof.
Now, Columbia is Need-Aware for me since I’m International so I guess it does mean something

Right! Called them last week bc after all this time, they still didn’t have some of the required info checked off as received and the woman who answered said it was because we listed the wrong college at Columbia on the CSS/IDOC.

She also said we weren’t the only ones but that a lot of applicants have had problems but they are working to clean them up and to give her a few days.

I assumed that meant son was not going to be admitted if they didn’t even bother to let us know these docs weren’t received months after we applied and thought we had turned in everything. Chocked it up to a loss and I didn’t even bother update the CSS bc it was asking me to pay an additional $16 for the update. ha!

Last night around 6pm, my husband, myself and my son got an alert from College Board stating Columbia is looking for some info from us. Talk about 11th hour request. doh!

Oh well! :grinning: Good luck to all!

Could be good, could be bad, could be nothing :joy::sweat_smile::thinking:

Maybe they’re cleaning ours up now and will be back up later.:pray:t2:

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Ha! We did the same thing using the wrong code :grimacing:. We had an email last week from Columbia asking for documents we had already submitted. The email said most common reason we don’t have them is student used wrong code. So we quickly fixed it and paid another $16. :woman_shrugging:t3:

It was the hill I was going to die on bc the woman on the phone said she would make the request so we wouldn’t have to pay. :laughing: :laughing: ha! So I guess she was right bc when I updated it last night, there was no payment request.

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