Columbia University Admissions Fall 2022

plz vote:
How many addresses you have on ur Columbia portal

I voted for the sake of clarity, but I back Sushi’s comment—it’s irrelevant. I haven’t had a second address from day one (or, if I did, I deleted it as soon as I saw it was the same as the permanent).

I would highly recommend not to draw any conclusion from this. If—and a BIG if—it had something to do with actual results, they would start being removed today, a few hours before the release.

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The number of addresses is entirely irrelevant; you can add or remove as many as you want at any time.

True but that’s the only thing left on the portal to theorize about ig

The thing is not that we can edit our address, but it’s how admissions people changed it. Still I don’t think it means anything tho.

current status

My dropdown containing the withdraw and other buttons disappeared

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everyone did

So it seems like there’s no portal astrology for Columbia. Everyone has their address, and so on.

Is everyone’s withdraw application button gone?

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Does anyone know if we can predict admissions by tracking incoming FedEx packages? Since Columbia used to send acceptance packages next day by FedEx, not sure if they still do.

Or you can wait 6 hours?


That’s boring :slight_smile:


Best of luck, everyone, for today and the next 4 years


I signed up for fed ex delivery manager to check- it says I have a package but the tracking number is just “master” so i think it’s the default thing and not actually a package- does anyone else know if that’s true

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I have the same thing

Is anyone not able to log into their finaid portal?

Everyone should be able to. Even if you’re rejected, the portal stays active for a while.

No, apparently some people on reddit say they can’t access it

I’m not sure I trust redditors lol. What error are they getting? Might just be system instability.