Columbia University Admissions Fall 2022

I can’t get to mine


I can get into it now I just see no information

Guys, I won’t be posting anymore, but I wish y’all the best and hope everyone achieve their dreams.

As a side note, I’d like to remind you that the outcome of college apps don’t change who you are. If you’re f*cking awesome—and I bet you are—, being rejected won’t take that from you.

Keep dreaming and working as hard as you did so far. The future holds a lot for you!



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Waitlisted. What are chances off waitlist?


Rejected :frowning:

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I got a likely so I’ve known for a while, but accepted!!


Hi do you mind sharing your stats?

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waitlisted :’) one of my dream schools !! so I’ll be crossing my fingers

accepted: UPenn, WashU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, UW Seattle + Honors
waitlisted: Columbia, Tufts, UNC Chapel Hill, CMU, BU
rejected: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown
waiting on: Stanford



Wait listed for spring semester. I’ve not heard of this spring semester wait list. She does not want to uproot her life in spring to go to another college.

D22 is accepted and over the moon! Competitive profile, a ton of ECs and good recommendations, high rigor. Thought she had a great “Why Columbia?” essay. Had an excellent interview even though it may have not mattered.


Waitlisted, Major: CS at Columbia Engg
UW 4.0 / 12+ APs /3 Dual Credits/mostly 5s and 4s
SAT 1550/ACT 35
Varsity Sport Captain
Solid leadership/very good ECs+CS related ECs/Volunteering etc

Here the admission stats for the three traditional colleges at Columbia University:

  • Columbia College, and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: applications remained unchanged, combined admissions rate: 3.73%.

  • Barnard College: 16% increase in applications, admissions rate: 8%.

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WOW, Fu school admissions rate: 3.73%
Thanks for the details. Hope the waiting list moves.

I was also waitlisted; reading my letter it seems like they’re just saying spots may open up THIS spring (ie, in the next few months), not in spring 2023. So not like a USC type of thing.

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Yes, waitlisted means that if more admitted people don’t enroll than they predicted, they will start offering those spots to the waitlisted applicants of THIS year.

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